Agenda item

Road Accidents in B&NES (inc. Highways Agency Update)


The Team Leader for Traffic and Safety introduced this item to the Panel.


He explained that B&NES maintains a record of all accidents involving injury which are reported to the Police. It is a legal requirement for accidents involving injury to be reported to the Police, however, it is accepted that some accidents go unreported, especially those involving a single vehicle. Collision – only accidents, which involve no injury, are not reported, therefore no records of collision-only accidents are held.


He commented that fatal accidents are thankfully very rare in B&NES, however 6 occur on average every year. They normally occur at random locations, and a large proportion is due to errors on the part of the casualty. Should more than one fatal accident occur in the same location, the local road network will be investigated and improvements made if required.


Headline Data


Over the period 2005 – 2012, all casualties in B&NES has dropped from 705 to 437, a reduction of 38%


KSIs have dropped from 71 to 33 (54%)


Slights have dropped from 634 to 404 (36%)


Highways Agency Roads


B&NES casualty figures include those occurring on Highways Agency Roads, even though the Council has no jurisdiction over these roads. On average, 34 casualties per year (7% of the B&NES total) occur on HA roads, split equally between the A36 and A46. The HA’s local agent Atkins-Skanska, are responsible for addressing accident problems on the Trunk Road network. They are currently investigating accident clusters at Hartley Bends on the A46, and the Branch Road/A36 junction at Hinton Charterhouse.


The Team Leader for Traffic and Safety introduced Viki Horvath and Ton Hummel who were present on behalf of Atkins-Skanska.


Viki Horvath stated that it was part of their role to analyse and monitor the data received regarding the road network. She said that the main problem associated with the Hartley Bends were cars travelling at excessive speed as it was not feasible to drive through the bends at 50mph. She added that speed activated signs had been introduced in the area and that they were considering further bend warning signs and chevrons.


The Chairman welcomed their attendance at the meeting and for having this information available to the public. She asked if further information on incidents involving pedestrians and an incident breakdown over the last three years could be sent to the Panel.


The Team Leader for Traffic and Safety said that he would provide the Panel with that information.


Councillor Liz Richardson asked if they received details of all accidents that take place. She also suggested that the Panel receive a breakdown of rural / urban incidents.


The Team Leader for Traffic and Safety replied that he was aware of an element of under reporting of incidents involving single vehicles as well as cyclists. He added that they received information from the Police only when injuries occurred.


Viki Horvath commented that the Highways Agency plans to look at the section of the A36 between Bath and the Beckington roundabout over the next few years.


Councillor Lisa Brett asked if the Panel could receive information on how our figures compare to other Local Authorities and nationally. She also asked why it took so long for improvements to be implemented.


Ton Hummel replied that a number of procedures existed within the Highways Agency. He added that a study of an area of road would take place, followed by a design scheme which would be assessed as to its value for money and culminating in implementation. He said that on average this was a three year process.


The Team Leader for Traffic and Safety commented that he would supply all of the requested data to the Panel as soon as possible.


The Chairman thanked him for the report and the Highways Agency officers for their attendance.




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