Agenda item

Update on Grand Parade and Undercroft

There is no report attached. There will be a presentation at the meeting.


Tom McBain, Divisional Director and Chief Property Officer gave a presentation to the Panel (a copy of the presentation is included on the minute book for the Panel and attached to these minutes). The presentation covered the following:


·  Objectives

·  Consultation

·  Design – Access Options

·  Design – Phasing

·  Design – Visualisation

·  Development Appraisal

·  Timeline


The officer referred to a statement from Alex Schlesinger that the Panel had noted under item 6 that referred to a majority of respondents to a survey (Small Business Focus) felt that Bath could not support more cafes and restaurants. The officer stated that he acknowledged this point but that some soft research had shown that out of 24 restaurant chains approached, 18 showed expressions of interest which indicates that demand does exist.


The Panel raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Macrae made the following comments: that there was no car parking for weddings and events and no facilities for disabled people and the elderly; he was not convinced about the 18 restaurant chains, he asked about local and existing restaurants. He asked about safety barriers at the Colonnades. He asked that the market be kept at its present quality and not sell ‘tat’. He also asked about social housing and if this was included. He finally added that he was staggered at the timescales. The officer responded that all the issues raised would be taken into account with respect to the detailed design and that it was only at the concept stage now. He assured the Councillor that the spaces would be openly marketed which included local and existing businesses. He explained that he was looking at a ‘Market Strategy’ which would ensure the present high quality of the Guildhall market. He reported that there would only be 6/7 units of housing so that social housing requirement does not apply. He concluded that he realised that the timescale is challenging and that this was why the consultation was being started early.


Councillor Roberts congratulated the officers on the exciting proposals.


Councillor Gerrish stated that the hours of opening and delivery arrangements for any potential restaurants would be a planning condition due to the potential noise issue for residents of the Empire. He supported the running of the market in house in order to keep control. He commented that parking facilities for people with disabilities (for more than 3 hours) must be provided adjacent to the Guildhall. He stated that there would have to be more than 20 spaces for full Council meetings. He further added that not all local businesses welcomed the Christmas market. He agreed with Councillor Macrae that the timescale was optimistic.


Councillor Symonds stated that it was a great project. He referred to the anxieties of some of the Guildhall market traders and reminded the Panel and officers that it was a local needs shopping area and should be protected.


Councillor Bellotti – Cabinet Member for Community Resources responded that the Panel had raised some good points and that plans were at a concept stage at the moment and comments could be taken on. He explained that no decision had been made on who would manage the market in the future and there were examples elsewhere that worked with a market manager. He explained that some street stalls and maybe the Christmas market could be joined up. Regarding car parking spaces, he explained that the intention is to transfer existing capacity to Manvers Street where there would be extra parking for people with disabilities. He further explained that this project is about trying to restore a sense of history as well as economic development. He added that no Council administration has gone forward with plans in this area but any development would have to be in partnership with the private sector. He stated that there should be a mix of restaurants, not just high end. He concluded that there would be several phases in this project and the button had been pressed on phases 1 & 2 only. He assured the Panel that it could be delivered within the timescale.


Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones (Lansdown Ward) stated that there would have to be screening to block the noise from the weir which is likely to be extensive and mean that the existing wall would have to be removed. He asked that a visual be provided at future presentations on the change to the view.


Councillor Roberts stated that he felt that there had been too much concentration on car parking.


The Panel RESOLVED to have an update on this item at their September meeting.