Agenda item

Placemaking Plan Launch Document

This Plan will facilitate the delivery of key development sites so as to meet community aspirations. It complements the strategic framework in the Core Strategy by setting out detailed proposals for identified development sites including the new urban extensions proposed in the Core Strategy.  It will be produced in a collaborative way, by working closely with local communities and other key stakeholders to identify valued assets for protection, opportunities for development and necessary infrastructure requirements.


The Chair referred to the draft notes from the Planning, Transportation and Environment PDS Panel [copies of which had been placed in the public gallery before the meeting and are attached to these Minutes as Appendix 11 and on the Council’s website].  He asked Cabinet members to take into account the notes from the Panel.

Caroline Kay (Chief Exec, Bath Preservation Trust) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 12 and on the Council’s website] encouraged the Cabinet to ensure that the ambitious deadlines for adoption of the Plan which she reminded them was essential.  This would require the allocation of sufficient resource to development of the Plan.

David Redgewell in an ad hoc statement asked the Cabinet to remember that places are for people.  The Cabinet’s recent proposals for bus priority in Dorchester Street were an example that they appreciated this.

Councillor Geoff Ward in an ad hoc statement acknowledged the very ambitious timetable but emphasised the urgent need to protect the city’s heritage and views.  More emphasis should be given to keeping traffic moving.  The plans gave some cause for hope but there was some concern about neighbourhood plans.

Councillor David Laming in an ad hoc statement noted that the report expressed an intention to consult widely on the river corridor.  He would watch closely to ensure that was done.

Councillor Tim Ball introduced the item by saying that this was the most important document brought for agreement for decades.  He intended to continue the work by giving local people their say.  He acknowledged the resource issues raised by Caroline Kay but said that the Planning Department was determined to deliver the Plan on time.

He moved the proposals.

Councillor Simon Allen in seconding the proposal noted the link between this item and the previous one.  He emphasised the need from consensus and cross-party working to deliver the right policies in the time available.

Councillor Roger Symonds referred to the proposals for 3000 new homes on the South Stoke plateau and 1000 new homes on Combe Down.  He said that local people were keen to know more about the plans.  He reminded Cabinet that most journeys across the city were by bus.  He favoured plans to introduce a flat fare in the city to make it viable for people to get into the city.

Councillor Tim Ball confirmed to Councillor Symonds that the local community would be consulted about the plans to provide new homes in South Stoke and Combe Down.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Simon Allen, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE the Placemaking Plan Launch document for publication as a basis for discussion;

(2) To ASK that the Placemaking Plan will return to Cabinet for consideration at subsequent stages in its preparation;

(3) To AGREE the broad programme of activity and actions contained in the introduction of the Launch Document; and

(4) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director for Planning and Transport Development to make minor changes to the Launch Document in consultation with Cabinet Member for Planning and Homes to ensure clarity, consistency and accuracy across the document.

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