Agenda item

Determination of statutory notices to Expand Six Primary Schools in Keynsham, Bath, Peasedown St John and Paulton

Following the decision by Cabinet to publish statutory notices proposing the expansion of Bathampton Primary, Castle Primary, Paulton Infant, Paulton Junior, Peasedown St. John Primary and Weston All Saints C of E Primary schools to create additional pupil places, to consider the responses submitted during the statutory notice representation period and to determine the statutory notices for these expansions.


Councillor Liz Hardman in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 12 and on the Council's website] asked the Cabinet to ensure that full consideration would be given to the 34 respondents, 93 e-petitioners and 102 leaflets delivered to Council officers about this issue.  She acknowledged that additional places would be needed for the new school year and supported the principle that all Paulton children should have the choice of attending a primary school in the town if they wish.  She agreed with the majority of respondents who were very concerned about the road safety and increased traffic problems if the expansion of the infant school.  She felt that only if new school travel plans were in place could any expansion take place.  She noted that the Governing Bodies of the two Paulton schools were supportive of the proposals, subject to a robust solution to the highways issue, and she supported their position.

Councillor John Bull in a statement welcomed the acceptance of the Governors of both Paulton schools for the proposals but he asked for more thought to be given to finding a solution of the traffic problems.  He asked the Cabinet to agree to take over the funding of the 20mph scheme for the town, so that the Town Council could then reallocate the funds to resolve the road safety issues arising if the schools were expanded.

Kirsty Withyman in a statement made on behalf of Paulton Schools Expansion Action Group [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 13 and on the Council's website] made a number of points about the proposals, particularly about play area space, accessibility, road safety, school ethos and school resources.  She urged the Cabinet to consider more progressive solutions and asked them not to shoe horn more pupils into the existing space.

The Chair welcomed to the meeting Gary Yoxall (Chair of Governors, Paulton Infants) and Jim Crouch (Chair of Governors, Paulton Junior).

Gary Yoxall said that the school recognised the increased local demand for places at the school and that the Governors were in principle supportive of expansion, subject to planning and with detailed consideration of the road safety issues and if updated travel plans were in place.  He agreed with the points made by Councillor John Bull.

Jim Crouch emphasised that the road safety issues were the major concern and that a holistic approach was required to ensure these problems were dealt with before the schools were expanded.

Lisa Loverage, a parent of a child at Weston All Saints School, reminded Cabinet that without an updated Travel Plan the expansion of the school should not be considered.

Eliza Grey reminded Cabinet that Paulton was almost as big as Radstock, and should be given the same consideration.

Councillor Dine Romero moved the proposals which she said were to accommodate existing growth, not hypothetical growth.  All the Governing Bodies have indicated support.  She fully acknowledged that the road safety issues must be resolved so that the planned expansions would be feasible.  These would be dealt with through the planning process in the proper way.  She assured parents, governors and teachers that all the expansion plans would be subject to acceptable and workable travel plans.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal which he said were necessary to enable the Council to meet its statutory responsibilities.  Parents would be enabled to access good and outstanding education at their local school.  He acknowledged that in Paulton there were real traffic issues to be resolved but he emphasised that the priority was the provision of education for local children.

In response to the statement made by Lisa Loverage, Councillor Crossley referred to paragraph 5.13 of the report which showed that her point had already been fully considered and that the traffic concerns about expansion at Weston All Saints would be considered as part of the planning process.  Parents would have opportunities to comment on the plans prior to this.

Councillor Roger Symonds responded to the request made by Councillor John Bull by saying that it was not possible to divert monies allocated in a s.106 agreement.  He explained that in any case a zone outside the school would be costly for the Parish Council to undertake.  He was pleased that the Governors at the Paulton schools wanted Travel Plans.

On a motion from Councillor Dine Romero, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To APPROVE the proposal to expand Bathampton Primary school;

(2) To APPROVE the proposal to expand Castle Primary school;

(3) To APPROVE the proposal to expand Peasedown St. John Primary school;

(4) To APPROVE the proposal to expand Weston All Saints C of E Primary school; and

(5) To APPROVE the proposal to expand Paulton Infant school and Paulton Junior school.

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