Agenda item


Briefing notes on the following issues are attached:


a)  The progress of the re-visiting of the Core Strategy

b)  The progress with the Place-making Plans Issues and Options document.

c)  Neighbourhood Plans in North East  Somerset

d)  Progress of North East Somerset Conservation Area Appraisals


Simon de Beer (Planning Policy and Environment Manager) and David Trigwell (Divisional Director, Planning and Transport) will attend to answer questions.



Core Strategy


David Trigwell introduced this item and explained that there was still some way to go with the Core Strategy. The challenge was to make progress after the Inspector’s examination. He acknowledged that the department had not been able to engage with parishes as well as they would have liked. Simon de Beer added that the department was due to report to Council on 4th March regarding the housing requirement and looking at the best way to respond to need. Once agreed, there would be a 6 week consultation period during which they would hold surgeries around the district. The hearing would then resume in July and the final report would be published at the end of the year. 


A representative from Publow and Pensford asked whether they should assume that there would be no major developments in their area as they had not been contacted. Simon de Beer replied that the proposed changes would be released on 25th February when communities could see whether any changes affected them. All the Parish and Town Councils would be informed fully about the reports to Council.


A representative from Freshford Parish Council asked what would be happening to the Local Plan which was due to expire at the end of March and would existing plans go by the board. Simon de Beer agreed that recent national changes to the planning system had caused some confusion. When adopted, the Core Strategy will replace parts of the Local Plan. Most Local Plan policies are ‘saved’ for the time being until replaced by other documents.


A representative from Clutton Parish Council asked how soon the Council would have a 5 year housing supply policy and was informed that, if Full Council agrees the proposed changes to the Core Strategy, then the amended Core Strategy would have weight in the planning system and it could be used in the consideration of planning applications. It will have full weight once adopted after the examination.


Conservation areas

 A representative from Stanton Drew asked whether the Parish Councils would be able to designate new conservation areas and could they self-fund. David Trigwell replied that resources need to be concentrated on getting the Core Strategy through and that conservation areas would have to be put on the back burner for now. In future they would hope to include conservation areas and heritage issues when the Placemaking Plan is underway.


Placemaking Plans


Steven George introduced this item and explained that the Placemaking Plan was complementary to the Core Strategy, providing detail to the strategic planning framework. Its key aim was to work closely with the parishes and communities in Bath in a similar model to that used by the Policy and Partnerships Team. Placemaking is a timely opportunity for neighbourhood planning work. The launch document would come out in May which would start discussions about the future of various areas.


A representative from High Littleton Parish Council enquired by what date the Placemaking Plan would be completed. He was concerned that it would all take too long. He was informed that the Preferred Options would be available by the end of 2013. The department would be trying to work closely with parishes to ensure that the plans reflected their aspirations, so that there would be no need to create a Neighbourhood Plan as well.


A representative from Publow with Pensford Parish Council commented that their parish already had an appraisal in place and asked whether it was still valid. He was informed that there was no need to change it. A representative from Freshford said that their village was in the process of creating their neighbourhood plan and asked if there was anything they needed to be aware of that might upset their timetable relating to the Core Strategy or Placemaking process. Steven George replied that there was one Placemaking Plan for the whole district. Neighbourhood Plans are a new tier of planning which communities can choose to create or not. It was important to make sure that what was said in the Placemaking Plan is reflected in Neighbourhood Plans and the Core Strategy.

Supporting documents: