Agenda item

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy Guidance for Listed Buildings and Undesignated Historic Buildings

To report on progress of the implementation of the Sustainable Construction & Retrofitting SPD


Councillor Charles Gerrish in an ad hoc statement asked, in the light of comments made by the PDS Panel, whether lessons should be learned from other places (eg Dublin, Edinburgh).

Councillor Sarah Bevan in an ad hoc statement asked for a further report to be considered by Cabinet on the subject of wind turbines and solar panels.

Caroline Kay (Chief Executive, Bath Preservation Trust) in an ad hoc statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 4 and on the Council’s website] welcomed the report.  She asked for pilot projects to be undertaken in some of its own listed properties, which would demonstrate that the Council was leading the way.

Peter Andrews (Trustee and Energy Group Convenor, Transition Bath) in an ad hoc statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 5 and on the Council’s website] regretted that the report had been removed from the February 2012 agenda but was pleased that it was now being addressed.  He emphasised that listed buildings should be seen as places to live and work; not as museum pieces.  He urged the Cabinet to adopt the recommendations.

Richard James (Head of Asset Management, Curo) in an ad hoc statement read for him by Councillor David Martin [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 6 and on the Council’s website] supported the recommendations in the report and committed Curo to engage with the Council to find solutions for maintenance and refurbishment works to benefit residents and the environment.

Councillor David Martin in an ad hoc statement [a copy of which is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 7 and on the Council’s website] acknowledged the fact that the Council’s ability to be permissive was constrained by national legislation.  He therefore welcomed the intention to work with other local authorities and stakeholders such as Curo and the National Trust.  He felt that the report was practical and constructive.

Councillor Tim Ball thanked those who had contributed to the preparation of the report and to the debate.  He agreed with Councillor Charles Gerrish that much could be learned from other cities.

In response to the proposal put by Councillor Sarah Bevan, he said that there were no plans to introduce a renewable energy report because of the lack of officer resources.  He thanked Caroline Kay for her comments and explained to Peter Andrews that the original report had been pulled in 2012 because the proposals did not go far enough at the time; this had now been put right in the current report.  He recognised the need to bear in mind the legal constraints.

Councillor Ball explained that he would be moving a proposal which was different from the officer recommendations in the report.  He explained the reasons for this. He moved the amended proposals.

Councillor David Dixon seconded the proposal.  He reported a recent experience in a business in Bath which was too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter.  He was concerned to discover that the building was owned by the Council.  He therefore agreed with Caroline Kay that the Council should undertake some pilot projects of its own.  The report was very clear in its aims; the Council now needed to set an example by taking the lead.

Councillor Paul Crossley endorsed the comments made by Peter Andrews.  He observed that the legislative backdrop in Edinburgh was different from that in Bath.  He nevertheless felt that the proposals would start a process of working closely with landlords, residents and businesses to improve the listed and historic stock in the area.

On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor David Dixon, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To ADOPT the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Guidance for Listed Buildings and Undesignated Historic Buildings as an appendix to the Sustainable Construction and Retrofitting SPD;

(2) To TEST the balance between sustainability and conservation agenda by looking at pilot projects in the Council’s property portfolio and in association with Curo and other partnerships to prove the capacity of Bath & North East Somerset to demonstrate exemplar projects in a World Heritage site;

(3) To:

·  Continue to progress the work through the Sustainability Team and engagement with the key stakeholders and other authorities;

·  Continue to liaise with Central Government on legislative requirements;

·  Constantly review the guidance to ensure that it does reflect existing legislation at any given time; and

(4) To ASK for a further report to come to Cabinet in one years time to report on progress.

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