Agenda item

Bus Priority Measures in Dorchester St, Manvers St and Pierrepoint St., Bath

Congestion in Manvers Street and Dorchester Street creates pollution and delays for buses in the vicinity of the bus station at peak times and the aspiration for the Public Realm and Movement Strategy is to create a more pedestrian and cycle friendly environment in Dorchester Street, Manvers Street and Pierrepont St by removing private and commercial motor vehicles from Dorchester St.


Councillor Brian Webber in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 18 and on the Council's website] said that the rationale for the partial closure of Dorchester Street was baffling.  He observed that the proposal would leave the road fully open to traffic during the morning and evening rush hours.  He appealed to Cabinet to take no action until proper figures were obtained to bear out the assumptions in the report.

David Redgewell (South West Transport Network) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 19 and on the Council's website] fully supported the proposed closure.  He pointed out however that the existing bus shelter was in the wrong place and must be moved if serious accidents involving pedestrians were to be avoided.

Brook Whelan in an ad hoc statement warned the Cabinet that if the proposals went ahead hundreds more cars would be forced into Widcombe and the A36.  He urged Cabinet to take no action until a prediction of traffic impacts had been conducted.

Councillor Ben Stevens in an ad hoc statement said he was pleased that the Cabinet was about to take this brave step but he was very concerned about the possible impact on traffic volumes in  Widcombe and was disappointed that this was being tackled before the Rochester Road scheme was in place.

Councillor Tim Warren in an ad hoc statement observed that the proposals would not affect peak time traffic but it would affect tourist traffic.  He felt that it would not make a good pedestrian scheme.

Councillor Roger Symonds introduced the item.  He emphasised that the proposals would improve bus punctuality and congestion.  He reminded Cabinet of their priorities for transport: foot, bike, bus, car.  The proposals were fully in line with these priorities.  He referred to the statement made by Councillor Ben Stevens by saying that he was unable to give absolute assurances about the impact on traffic flows in Widcombe and elsewhere in the city, but he promised that the proposals would be reversed if the impact proved to be unacceptable.  He assured Councillor Stevens that he was determined that the Rochester Road scheme would be completed.  He agreed with David Redgewell and confirmed that the bus shelter was in the process of being moved to a safer location.

Councillor Symonds explained that the proposal he would move would be different from the recommendations as printed in the report; in recommendation (1) the prohibition would be in place from 10am to 6pm, not 4pm as printed.  He moved the amended recommendations.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal which he said would bring great benefit to the city and to the transport interchange.  The bus interchange in particularly would become one of the best in the country.  He explained that it was not yet possible to include the West Way traffic in the proposals because that would be vulnerable to criticism that it was entrapment.

Councillor Tim Ball observed from personal experience how difficult it was to cross the road near the bus station.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order be implemented under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for a maximum period of 18 months to evaluate the impact of prohibiting the driving of vehicles except buses and taxis in an eastbound direction on Dorchester Street between 10am and 6pm and allowing right turn only out of Manvers St car park;

(2) To AGREE that the eastbound carriageway of Dorchester Street be designated as a bus lane for the purposes of civil enforcement using CCTV cameras under the Transport Act 2000; and

(3) To DELEGATE authority to the Divisional Director for Environmental Services to make changes to the Experimental Order in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and also delegated authority to use the Council’s bus lane enforcement powers.

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