Agenda item

Two Tunnels Project Update

Sustrans formally opened the completed southern sections of the 2 Tunnels Greenway on 6th April, 2013, with an average of 520 cyclists using the route each day during the first week. Although not recorded by the automatic cycle counters, the route is also proving to be popular with walkers and joggers.  This report provides an update on proposals to complete remaining northern section of the route, provide a northern link to the Riverside Path and a local link to Claude Ave.


Councillor Caroline Roberts reminded Cabinet that the Two Tunnels had opened in April but that the proposals were to complete the remaining northern section and to provide links to Claude Avenue and the Riverside Path.  Funding would come from various sources and the project would be fully funded.

She moved the proposals.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He reported that in its first week of opening, 520 people per day had used the route.  People now used the route to commute into Bath.  It had become a tourist attraction and he wanted to see the route completed all the way from Bath to Radstock.

Councillor David Dixon said that walkers, joggers, cyclists, families and visitors all used the track which was an excellent way to reach the Odd Down Cycle Track.  He knew of some cyclists who had come all the way from Bristol using the continuous cycle track to get to the Odd Down Cycle Track.  He congratulated all concerned and said that the track would be improved by additional signage, which he knew was part of Councillor Roberts’ plans.

He mentioned, in passing, that the Odd Down Cycle Track would be opened formally the following Saturday at 10:30am by a cycling celebrity and welcomed everyone to attend.

Councillor Caroline Roberts observed that the next paper on the agenda would agree the provision of the signage which Councillor Dixon had asked for.

On a motion from Councillor Caroline Roberts, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that, subject to agreement with Sustrans under a Memorandum of Understanding, DfT’s Linking to Communities grant be accepted to complete the remaining off road section on Council land through the northern section of Linear Park, with the works to upgrade the existing permissive footpath to a permissive cycle track for use by pedestrians and cyclists to be constructed by the Council using its land ownership powers between the disused Somerset and Dorset Railway Bridge and Bellotts Road (Element 3);

(2) To NOTE that Sustrans under licence to Network Rail WILL re-open the disused Somerset and Dorset Railway bridge for pedestrians and cyclists on a temporary basis until the bridge is replaced as part of the mainline rail electrification works planned from 2015 onwards. The access arrangements on Council land through Linear Park and extent of the Works on Linear Park are to be agreed with the Council.

(3) To AGREE that the Council will enter into agreements with Network Rail for the adoption and maintenance of a new replacement foot/cycle bridge provided by Network Rail as part of the mainline rail electrification works;

(4) To ACCEPT the DfT Cycle Safety Grant for the purpose of implementing the 2 Tunnels Northern Links scheme in accordance with the grant conditions and agreed Memorandum of Understanding with Sustrans;

(5) To AGREE that subject to planning conditions being met, Claude Avenue Cycle Link is constructed by the Council between Claude Avenue and the 2 Tunnels Greenway funded by the LSTF WEST project; and

(6) To AUTHORISE the Divisional Director for Environmental Services:

(i) to negotiate and enter into any necessary agreements with Network Rail to facilitate the adoption and maintenance of the cycle/footbridge and seek to minimise future maintenance costs.

(ii)  to agree the Memorandum of Understanding with Sustrans to access funding allocated to Element 3 and Northern Link projects from the DfT Cycle Safety Fund and Links to Communities Fund.

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