Agenda item

Rossiter Road Scheme Design

This scheme to remove through traffic from Widcombe Parade by reversing the direction of Widcombe Parade traffic and introducing 2-way traffic onto Rossiter Road received overwhelming public support but concern was expressed over some of the detailed design.  A Steering Group was established to commission an independent review which endorsed the original design of the scheme but recommended some changes to allow the retention of some mature trees, an improved drop-off for Bath Spa Railway station on Rossiter Road itself and improved access to Lyncombe Hill. This report seeks agreement to proceed with the design of the scheme.


Richard Wales (Chair, Rossiter Road Sub-Committee, The Widcombe Association) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 5 and on the Council's website] supported the proposals unreservedly.  He also supported the replacement of the traffic signals by a mini roundabout.

Donald Thomas (Greenway Residents Association) in a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 6 and on the Council's website] broadly supported the scheme but asked for some changes to be made which he said would not prejudice Widcombe Parade but would minimise the impact on Lyncombe Hill and Greenway Lane.

Councillor Charles Gerrish in an ad hoc statement supported the proposals in principle but expressed some concerns, especially over the contention that there would be “only 10%” increase in traffic.  He asked whether the issues relating to the HGV ban and traffic changes on Dorchester Street had been fully considered.

Darth Jarrett (Chair of the Bath Taxi Drivers association), in an ad hoc statement, said that he could foresee problems around Widcombe if stopping places were blocked by members of the public and the taxi driver had no way of getting back to the spot.

Councillor Roger Symonds responded to Councillor Gerrish’s comments by confirming that the Cabinet had considered the possibility of increased extra traffic flows in coming to its preferred scheme.  He also assured Councillor Gerrish that the HGV aspects of the scheme were an 18-month trial, and would be evaluated after that period.  He thanked the steering group for their hard work in preparing the proposals.

Councillor Symonds responded to the reservations about Greenway Lane by saying that the primary aim of the proposals had been to improve the Widcombe Parade environment; and it was not the Cabinet’s intentions to create a rat run in the Greenway Lane area.  He promised to look again at this aspect of the detailed scheme.

He said that the proposal he was making to Cabinet was different from the printed recommendations in that he was moving the first option in paragraph 2.3; and he was adding a clause which would ask the steering group to reconvene to see the project forward.

Councillor Paul Crossley seconded the proposal.  He was delighted to see the issues tackled at last.  He felt that the proposals would improve traffic flows around Widcombe Parade and the whole surrounding area.

Councillor David Bellotti said he was hopeful that a scheme would be implemented which would benefit the area including local businesses.  He reminded the Cabinet that they had inherited the problems but had limited funds with which to resolve them.  He thanked the Widcombe Association for the 5 key points they had contributed to the debate and observed that Cabinet had adopted all 5 of them.  He felt that the problem of rat runs would be reduced by the traffic calming measures being proposed.  He emphasised that by working closely with local residents, the Cabinet had come up with a scheme which would remove 80% of the traffic from Widcombe Parade.

On a motion from Councillor Roger Symonds, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was

RESOLVED (unanimously)

(1) To AGREE that The Rossiter Road Scheme is progressed in line with the Steering Group’s recommendations namely that:

(i) A 4 vehicle “drop off” layby is provided in Rossiter Road to provide improved access to Bath Spa Railway Station;

(ii) Cars and light traffic travelling east should be allowed to access Lyncombe Hill direct from Rossiter Road by a revised junction arrangement;

(iii) The mature tree behind Claverton Buildings could be retained by redesigning the approach to the new signal controlled junction at the western end of Widcombe Parade (subject to detailed design);

(2) To NOTE that the above resolution accords with the recommendations from the report on public consultation attached as Appendix 1 to the report;

(3) To AGREE that the proposed traffic signals at the White Hart junction be replaced with mini roundabouts, and note that the risk of increased congestion is mitigated by works that would facilitate the installation of traffic signals at a late date should they prove to be necessary.

(4) To ASK the Steering Group to reconvene in order that it can be involved in further progress of the scheme.

Supporting documents: