Agenda item

Housing & Major Projects Update

This report provides an update in respect of housing delivery and the projects currently managed by the Development & Major Projects Directorate.



The Development & Major Projects Director introduced this item to the Panel. He wished to highlight the following points form within the report.


·  The Directorate is responsible for providing a co-ordinated and integrated approach to the provision of Housing, Jobs, Business growth and Economic activity and is focused on delivering Sustainable Economic Growth as set out in the Economic Strategy of April 2010, the Smart Economic Growth Cabinet paper of November 2010 and Delivering Sustainable Economic Growth in B&NES Cabinet paper of November 2011.


·  There are significant challenges ahead in bringing forward development but there are also major opportunities through our Enterprise Area - Bath City Riverside, Bath Western Riverside, Bath Quays South and Manvers Street. Also Norton Radstock Regeneration, MOD Sites, Keynsham, Somerdale and Temple Street. All of which could and should have significant ability to help the economic growth, development agenda and Housing delivery.


He added that outline proposals for the Somerdale site could be presented to a future meeting of the Panel.


Councillor Barry Macrae commented that he felt the Development & Major Projects team were being spread quite thinly and asked for the Panel to recognise the significant role they play within the Council.


The Development & Major Projects Director replied that the department was working as part of a matrix in order to blend a number of agencies together to bring forward solutions for the Council.


The Divisional Director for Project Management addressed the Panel on the following matters.


·  Flood Mitigation - A Bath Compensatory Storage Study has been commissioned which is being undertaken in conjunction with the Environment Agency. The stage 1 report investigated eight potential sites along the river corridor east of Bath for the provision of flood storage and recommended three sites, at Kensington Meadows, Mill Lane Bathampton and at Bathford, for further technical investigation. This work is being undertaken, along with a detailed hydrological assessment, as part of stage 2 of the study. The results and recommendations will be the subject of consultation prior to the development of detailed scheme proposals.


·  Bath Transport Package – Department for Transport (DfT) approval is in place to complete all remaining legal and procurement processes prior to submitting the scheme for Full Approval by the end of May 2012. An initial meeting was held with the DfT on 23rd January 2012 to run through the documentation needed for Final Approval Stage in

May 2012.

Councillor Will Sandry asked who was co-ordinating the Council’s response   to the Network Rail proposals for main line electrification. He added that he had heard that as part of the proposals a bridge within a neighbouring ward would be knocked down.


The Divisional Director for Project Management replied that a response would be co-ordinated by the West of England Partnership. He informed the Panel that Network Rail has wide ranging permitted development rights.


Councillor Will Sandry asked if the developers of Bath Western Riverside (BWR), Crest Nicholson could be approached to hasten the re-opening of Victoria Bridge to residents.


The Divisional Director for Project Management replied that Crest Nicholson has a priority to make the bridge safe and that they have a target date of the end of May.


The Development & Major Projects Director added that he would issue a written response on this matter to the Panel and assured them that Crest were working hard to resolve the current issues.


The Chairman on behalf of the Panel thanked them for the update.










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