Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

This item gives the Panel an opportunity to ask questions to the Cabinet Member(s) and for them to update the Panel on any current issues.



Councillor Cherry Beath, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Development addressed the Panel.


·  She informed them that a planning application had been submitted during February 2012 as part of the Keynsham New Build & Regeneration project.


·  A Tech Hub pilot is planned to be in operation within The Guildhall by the end of this summer.


·  The London Road re-generation project has begun. A preferred bidder has been selected for 3 & 4 Longacre. The Council are looking into the possibility of having Caroline House released from its current lease. The budget to deliver physical regeneration is £750k for 2012/13 and a new community based group has been set-up to identify projects that the community wish to see delivered.


·  Somerdale - An initial meeting between officers, Taylor Wimpey and Kraft has taken place and working arrangements are being established with Taylor Wimpey & B&NES. Taylor Wimpey will be consulting with stakeholders and the public and will be submitting a planning application by the end of November 2012. New accommodation for the Fry Club will be first element to be delivered.


·  A very successful Digital Festival was held in Bath between March 15th – 25th at venues across the city. The festival included the X Media Lab Bath "Digital Entertainment" event which gathered digital media and entertainment visionaries from around the world to share their insight into the rapidly evolving media, entertainment and technology industry.


Councillor Barry Macrae wished to raise his concern over the future of the Welton Bibby & Baron site.


Councillor Cherry Beath acknowledged his concern and said she would follow up on the matter.


Councillor Will Sandry asked who within the Council was responsible for delivering the re-opening of Victoria Bridge.


Councillor Cherry Beath replied that it was a Highways project that the Major Projects team were assisting in delivering.


The Divisional Director for Project Management added that it was expected to be open again in late May for a period of time before closing for further work to be carried out on the final stage of the project.


The Chairman asked if the Somerdale site was to be a mixed use development.


The Development & Major Projects Director replied that yes employment was required on the site through the Council’s Local Plan.


Councillor Tim Ball, Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning addressed the Panel. He stated that he had recently been working a great deal with officers involved with the MoD Sites Concept Statements and that the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) figure would be included within the statements.


The Cabinet will consider the draft Concept Statements in April and public consultation (Including consideration by PTE Policy Development & Scrutiny Panel in May 2012) will take place in April / May.


Somerdale – Housing on the site is now expected to exceed the SHLAA figures, 670 – 680 new homes are now proposed to be built.


Councillor Steve Hedges asked if the Foxhill site was safe to build new homes upon given its close proximity to Combe Down Stone Mines.


The Development & Major Projects Director replied that the mines under Foxhill were cleared as part of the completion of that project.


Councillor Tim Ball added that as required, 35% of the new homes will be social housing alongside employment and recreation elements on all sites.


The Chairman commented that a large number of social housing is already in close proximity to one of the sites. He asked if some benefit could be sought from a feathering / integration of site.


Councillor Tim Ball replied that yes that had been considered.


The Chairman on behalf of the Panel thanked them both for their updates.