Agenda item


A report on the Property Board Operation and Direction of Travel.


Panel members noted the statement from Councillor Jackson (see minute 54).


The Panel received a presentation from Tom McBain – Divisional Director of Property and Chief Property Officer, which covered the following:


·  The Property Portfolio

·  Property Board – Terms of Reference

·  Policy and Strategy

·  Corporate Asset Management Plan

·  What has the Asset Management Plan delivered to date?

·  What is the future value of the Asset Management Plan?

·  Opportunities for added value?

·  Programmes

·  Condition Surveys

·  Repair and Maintenance

·  Repair and Maintenance Initiatives

·  Asset Reviews

·  Performance models

·  Capital Receipt Programme – Disposals

·  Revenue Programme

·  Future Asset Management Priorities for 2012

·  Activities beyond the scope of this report but delivered by Property Services.


(A full copy of the presentation is held on the minute book for this Panel, Democratic Services, Guildhall)



Panel members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Laming asked about the Place Making Group and whether it was concerned mainly with maximising value or considering the social benefit of a piece of land or property. He also asked about the following: economic development input; sites such as Avon Street Car Park; the Collonades and Lower Bristol Road. Tom McBain – Chief Property Officer addressed these points, he explained that his department advises the Property Board on financial value but it would be up to the Board (and the Cabinet) on the form of development. He explained that he works closely with colleagues from Economic Development and their advice is sought on the best use of sites.


In response to a question from Councillor Roberts, the officer explained that the Council does not land bank but can purchase sites for delivery.


Councillor Barrett asked if the Council consult with other property owners on aims and objectives. The officer explained that yes, he did speak to public bodies and private owners about objectives and they discussed things such as licensing and pedestrianisation.


In response to a question from Councillor Barrett regarding independent traders, the officer explained that it was the many independent traders that made Bath unique and that his department worked closely with tenants, each of which had their own named officer to discuss any issues. Councillor Anketell-Jones suggested that Property Services define the relationship they would like with tenants in a ‘Landlord/Tennant Protocol’.


Councillor Rigby explained that there were four major developments in Abbey Ward and asked for some mindfulness regarding residents. She explained that the authority did encourage residents to live in the centre so she would not like to go down a purely financial route in the number of developments planned.


There was some discussion about the role of the Place Making Group. The Director explained that the Development Board champions developments, the Property Board champions disposals and the Place Making Group puts this together to balance competing needs and pressures. He further explained that it was not a decision making group and any decisions would go to a public meeting of the Cabinet. Councillor Bull stated that he wished the Panel’s view that social aspects should be considered at the Place Making Group to be passed on. The officer noted this. There was some discussion around how all political parties could have access to information that is discussed at the Property Board and Place Making Group. Councillor Bull reminded the Panel that they could ask any questions they may have of Councillor Bellotti (Cabinet Member for Community Resources) under the regular item ‘Cabinet Member Update’ at each meeting. The officer stated that Property Board information (including the agendas for the Development Board and Property Board) could be made available to Panel members in an appropriate way.


The Chairman thanked the officers.

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