Agenda item

Statements, Deputations or Petitions from Public or Councillors

At the time of publication, 6 items had been notified


Councillor Brian Simmons made a statement and presented a petition of 54 signatories relating to parking at St John’s Court, Keynsham.  He was concerned that there appeared to be no enforcement of the signs put up by Somer, who owned the road, and appealed to the Cabinet to take steps to adopt the road and to put in a suitable parking scheme which the police can enforce.

The Chair referred the statement and petition to Councillor Roger Symonds for consideration and response in due course.

Hugh Mackay made a statement relating to Haycombe Crematorium [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 2 and on the Council's website] during which he presented a petition of 4862 signatories who objected to the removal of the cross from the window of the crematorium.

The Chair handed two further petitions, supporting the same view, containing a total of 34 signatures, and asked the Democratic Services Officer to add these to the petition pack.  He referred the statement and petition to Councillor David Dixon for consideration and response in due course.

Graham Duke (Pastor, Stepping Stones Church) made a statement relating to Haycombe Crematorium [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 3 and on the Council's website] in which he referred to the rich Christian tradition of the city of Bath and observed that the cross was a potent symbol of hope for many people, especially in times of loss.  He urged Cabinet not to allow it to be removed from the crematorium window.

The Chair assured the speakers that there would be a cross in the crematorium after the renovations.  He referred the statement to Councillor David Dixon for consideration and response in due course.

Councillor Eleanor Jackson made a statement on the subject of the handling of the many petitions about Radstock which have been presented to Cabinet and Council. She felt that the petitions had not been given the attention which the large number of signatories should have warranted.  She also observed that there had been no road traffic safety audit before the works which were due to start the following Monday.

The Chair referred the statement to Councillor Roger Symonds for consideration and response in due course.

Julie Trollope (Chairman, Bathwick Estate Residents' Association) made a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 4 and on the Council's website] expressing her concern about the proposed cycle route along the passageway between Bathwick Street and Powlett Road.

The Chair referred the statement to Councillor Roger Symonds for consideration and response in due course.

Cynthia McNally made a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 5 and on the Council's website] in which she expressed her objection to the proposal to allow cyclists to use the passageway between Bathwick Street and Powlett Road.  She felt that the safety of pedestrians would be at risk if cyclists were to ride through the passageway.

Councillor Roger Symonds asked Cynthia McNally whether she was aware that a petition of 100 signatories had been received asking for shared use to be allowed along the passageway, and that the decision which he was being asked to make as Cabinet Member for Transport would ensure that the issue would be brought back to a Full Cabinet meeting for further consideration at a later date.

Cynthia McNally thanked Councillor Symonds for this assurance.

Amanda Leon (Radstock Action Group) made a statement [a copy of which is attached to the Minutes as Appendix 6 and on the Council's website] in which she asked what had happened to the idea of “regeneration” in Radstock, since in her view none of the changes being made would deliver regeneration and some would threaten the future of the town.

The Chair referred the statement to Councillor Cherry Beath for consideration and response in due course.

The Chair agreed to allow an ad hoc statement from Edgar Evans.  Mr Evans referred to the strength of feeling about the cross at Haycombe Crematorium.  He appealed to the Cabinet to retain the cross in the window.  He expressed his concern that the plans had come to light not through consultation but through a short story in the local press.  He felt that there had been no consultation and no debate on the issue.

The Chair said that Councillor David Dixon would be meeting with local church leaders to discuss the issue.