Agenda item


The Democratic Services Manager will announce any submissions received under the arrangements set out in note 5 above. The Council will be invited to decide what action it wishes to take, if any, on the matters raised in these submissions. As the questions received and the answers given will be circulated in written form there is no requirement for them to be read out at the meeting. The questions and answers will be published with the draft minutes.


Statements to the meeting were made by the following people (where provided, copies will be added to the Minute book and the electronic record);


·  Steve Wilcox made a statement regarding affordable housing in villages and called upon the Council to make rural development a priority of the Core Strategy.  Councillor Paul Crossley deferred his question to Councillor Tim Ball who made reference to the largest brownfield site in Clutton being barely in use and, if not converted to housing, the alternative being that it would become a full industrial site again.  Councillor Ball asked Mr Willcox if he thought this was appropriate, in the context of Clutton Parish Council and Clutton residents trying to cut down on HGV movements through the village.  Mr Willcox responded that the industrial site was still active; policy would not permit development until the site had been inactive for 2 years. Councillor Doug Deacon asked whether further development would not lead to urban sprawl in years to come.  Mr Willcox responded that was not the case.  The green belt had been introduced to prevent Bristol, Bath, Saltford and Keynsham from merging which had not happened and what he was calling for was modest development.  Mr Willcox’s statement was referred for consideration to the Cabinet Member for Homes and Planning. [A copy of the statement is available on the Minute book.]


·  Peter Duppa-Miller made a statement regarding the Corporate Plan and assured Council that the Parish and Town Councils were most eager to continue to work in partnership with the Council to pursue and achieve the objectives of the Corporate Plan. [Mr Duppa-Miller made his statement when the item was reached. A copy of Mr Duppa-Miller’s statement is available on the Minute book.]


·  Peter Duppa-Miller made a further statement regarding the new Standards regime.  He welcomed the fact that the Council will continue to hold the Register of Interests for, and deal with complaints made against, Parish and Town Councillors.  He added that discussions were ongoing regarding the Code of Conduct that Parish and Town Councils would adopt, which would be broadly similar to the B&NES one. [Mr Duppa-Miller made his statement when the item was reached. A copy of Peter’s statement is available on the Minute book.]


·  Adrian Inker presented a petition of over 560 signatures calling for the introduction of free 2 hour parking in Keynsham Town Centre in order to make it a more attractive destination for shoppers and thereby improving the viability of the local shops.  Speaking in support of the petition, Mr Inker added that there had been a street stall in the High street and conversations with residents demonstrated their general concern about the effect of the redevelopment and in particular the loss of free parking spaces behind the Town Hall.  Councillor John Bull asked whether Adrian Inker considered it was a good start to reinstate the free 30 minute spaces which had been lost.  Mr Inker responded that it was right to do something as soon as possible. The petition was referred to the Cabinet Member for Transport.