Agenda item


There is no report attached. There will be a presentation at the meeting.


Ian Savigar – Divisional Director Customer Services and Graham Dove – Group Manager Cutomer Services, introduced this item and gave a presentation to the Panel covering the following: (A full copy of this presentation is held on the minute book for this Panel – Democratic Services, Guildhall)


·  Welfare reforms/Timeline

·  Scale

·  Fraud Investigation Service

·  Localised Council Tax Support

·  What are we doing/can we do?

·  Universal Credits

·  Overall Issues

·  What are we doing?


Panel members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Ian Savigar explained that the authority would need to find £1million in order to continue the scheme as it is as there would be 10% less funding. He further explained that 17% of claimants at the Job Centre have used online facilities but with this new scheme the Government were expecting 80% (now lowered to 50%) of applications to be completed online. Councillor John Bull questioned how this would work.


Members expressed their concern about this expectation. Councillor Gerrish stated that this scheme will add to the pressure on the most vulnerable residents. He added that there must be people who can help claimants fill in forms. He stated that he felt that the Government had got this wrong and must protect the most vulnerable. Graham Dove explained that he had told representatives at the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) every month that 50% was too high an expectation but that they are determined to go down the online route.


Andrew Pate – Divisional Director Resources explained that this authority is good at helping people face to face and has an efficient service as a result of this and has to be careful not to lose all of this benefit for customers with the  new system. Ian Savigar explained that he did feel it was right in principle to have one system but that he was concerned about the delivery mechanism. The Council’s role as provider of joined up one stop shops with a whole range of services being easily accessed and signposted from one place could be lost.


Panel members discussed whether they should have a review on this. Councillor Roberts stated that he doubted whether much could be achieved with an internal review. Councillor Gerrish stated that the Panel could help to develop policy when the final version of what is being proposed is clear. He added that we should have a scheme the same as neighbouring authorities. The pros and cons of working with other authorities was discussed. The Panel talked about holding a half day session on this issue where representatives from the DWP and Job Centre could be invited. Andrew Pate – Strategic Director Resources, explained that there were two issues, firstly Council Tax Benefit and secondly implementing and delivery of Universal Credits. He advised that a half day session would need to be at the right time to influence the agenda and that this would probably be early in the new year.


Graham Dove explained that on 4th October 2011, representatives will put the case to the DWP about face to face delivery and officers will know more after this meeting.


It was RESOLVED that, subject to the availability of a relevant DWP representative, the Panel should hold a half day informal session (2012). Officers to investigate the possibility of a representative attending.