Agenda item


The Core Strategy has reached a key stage in its preparation. It has been submitted for examination and public hearings are due to in January 2012. The Core Strategy is therefore now under examination. The Inspector has undertaken preliminary assessment of the Core Strategy and has raised a number of concerns which require a response from the Council. Some of these issues may require an amendment to the Core Strategy.  If agreed, these amendments will need to undergo community engagement to ensure the Inspector has the full range of views to inform the examination process.


The background papers (including the Sustainability Appraisal) will be available in Members' rooms in advance of the meeting.


The Council considered a report regarding the post-submission changes to the Core Strategy which is now under examination.  The Inspector had raised a number of concerns requiring a response from the Council – some of which might require an amendment to the Strategy and subsequent community engagement.


The Chief Executive was absent for the duration of this item.


An addendum to Annex A had been circulated in advance of the meeting and copies were available at the meeting.  This document replaced pages 13 and 14 which had featured the wrong Site Assessment table for Contingency Option 3 (Whitchurch).


Following statements from members of the public (as set out at minute number 33) and debate, an adjournment was called at 8.10pm; the meeting re-convened at 8.38pm.


The Monitoring Officer then advised that the vote on recommendation 2.1 be taken in two parts so that the meeting would not fail to come to a decision on this item.  The first vote would be on approving the changes to the Core Strategy as shown in Annex G with the exception of item 1.36, and the second vote on the identification of a Contingency Housing allocation at Hick’s Gate. [Part 1 of the vote became the successful resolution, part 2 of the split motion is shown at Note 3 below.]


On a motion from Councillor Tim Ball, seconded by Councillor Paul Crossley, it was then




  1. to agree;


  1. that changes are made to the Core Strategy as outlined in the composite schedule of changes attached as Annex G, with the exception of paragraph 1.36 regarding a contingency allocation and any other reference thereto;


  1. that these changes are published for community engagement;


  1. that public consultation is undertaken on the technical investigations into potential sites for the proposed upstream compensatory flood storage needed to facilitate the redevelopment of the Bath river corridor sites; and


  1. to note the potential changes to the Core Strategy arising from the Government’s Draft National Planning Policy Framework (set out in Annex F to the report), agree that they should be subject to community engagement and sent to the Examination Inspector for consideration as part of the Core Strategy examination process.




1)  The above motion was carried unanimously following a proposal, moved by Councillor Gerry Curran, seconded by Councillor Nigel Roberts, that the matter should be dealt with by way of two votes, the first of which was successful.


2)  An amendment was moved on behalf of the Conservative Group by Councillor Tim Warren, seconded by Councillor Charles Gerrish, to move the recommendations as printed subject to the deletion of paragraph 1.36 of Annex G together with any references to a contingency location, and the deletion of the words ‘including the identification of a Housing contingency location’ in paragraph 2.1 ‘a’ of the recommendations.  A named vote was taken on the amendment which was lost by 27 in favour and 34 voting against and no absentions:  For -  Councillors Patrick Anketell-Jones, Colin Barrett, Gabriel Batt, Matthew Blankley, Tony Clarke, Sally Davis, Peter Edwards, Michael Evans, Charles Gerrish, Francine Haeberling, Alan Hale, Malcolm Hanney, Lew Kew, Dave Laming, Malcolm Lees, Marie Longstaff, Barry Macrae, Paul Myers, Vic Pritchard, Brian Simmons, Kate Simmons, Martin Veal, David Veale, Geoff Ward, Tim Warren, Chris Watt, Brian Webber.  Against – Councillors Simon Allen, Rob Appleyard, Sharon Ball, Tim Ball, Cherry Beath, David Bellotti, Sarah Bevan, Lisa Brett, John Bull, Neil Butters, Nicholas Coombes, Paul Crossley, Gerry Curran, Doug Deacon, Paul Fox, Andrew Furse, Ian Gilchrist, Katie Hall, Liz Hardman, Nathan Hartley, Eleanor Jackson, David Martin, Loraine Morgan-Brinkhurst MBE, Robin Moss, Doug Nicol, June Player, Manda Rigby, Caroline Roberts, Nigel Roberts, Dine Romero, Will Sandry, Jeremy Sparks, Ben Stevens, Roger Symonds.


3)  The second part of the split motion was to approve the identification of a Housing Contingency location as set out in paragraph 1.36 of Annex G. A named vote was taken on the proposal which was lost by 27 voting in favour, and 34 against and no abstentions.  For – Councillors Simon Allen, Sharon Ball, Tim Ball, Cherry Beath, David Bellotti, Sarah Bevan, Lisa Brett, Neil Butters, Nicholas Coombes, Paul Crossley, Gerry Curran, Paul Fox, Andrew Furse, Ian Gilchrist, Katie Hall, Nathan Hartley, David Martin, Loraine Morgan-Brinkhurst MBE, Doug Nicol, Manda Rigby, Caroline Roberts, Nigel Roberts, Dine Romero, Will Sandry, Jeremy Sparks, Ben Stevens, Roger Symonds.  Against – Patrick Anketell-Jones, Rob Appleyard, Colin Barrett, Gabriel Batt, Matthew Blankley, John Bull, Tony Clarke, Sally Davis, Doug Deacon, Peter Edwards, Michael Evans, Charles Gerrish, Francine Haeberling, Alan Hale, Malcolm Hanney, Liz Hardman, Eleanor Jackson, Les Kew, Dave Laming, Malcolm Lees, Marie Longstaff, Barry Macrae, Robin Moss, Paul Myers, June Player, Vic Pritchard, Brian Simmons, Kate Simmons, Martin Veal, David Veale, Geoff Ward, Tim Warren, Chris Watt, Brian Webber.]

Supporting documents: