Agenda item


Presentation attached.


Tom McBain – Divisional Director Property, and James Windsor – Project Manager introduced the presentation on ‘Workplaces Programme’ (a full copy of this presentation is available from Democratic Services or on the Council Web Site). The presentation covered the following:


  • Workplaces Programme – general update
  • Keynsham Regeneration
  • Progress to date
  • Benefits achieved
  • Next Steps


Derek Quilter – Lead Director (delivery) gave a presentation on ‘Keynsham Regeneration’ (a full copy of this presentation is available from Democratic Services or on the Council Web Site). The presentation covered the following:


·  Brief

·  Existing Site

·  Consultation

·  Design Proposals

·  Animation

·  Programme

·  Delivery Partner

·  Potential for Riverside

·  Key Decisions

·  Financing


Andrew Pate – Resources Director gave an outline of the financing position. He explained that this had been reported previously to Council. He explained that there was £13million planned expenditure directly relating to offices but that slightly more than half the main construction expenditure was in relation to regeneration (including new library and one stop shop, public realm and highways) plus retail. He explained that all spend items are appropriate for borrowing. He explained all the funding options that had been considered - PFI credits, municipal bonds, tax incremental finance and a private sector finance income strip option. He explained that deliberations were ongoing. He further explained that the key issue with the finance scheme is the timing as the cost of finance is changing, currently there are attractive finance rates but the scheme is not at a point where a funding option can yet be locked into.


The Panel members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Bull asked about staff moving from the Guildhall and the impact on Keynsham office space. The Director explained that accommodation would be needed for around 100 staff which would have relatively low impact on the scheme. He explained that about 100 staff are based in the Guildhall of about 1500 total Council office based staff (excluding schools, operational buildings, depots etc). The Keynsham development is for 640 Council staff. Riverside and Keynsham Town Hall presently accommodate about 610 staff.


Responding to a question from Councillor Laming, Tom McBain – Divisional Director Property explained that consultants had been engaged to advise on projected rental levels and plans for retail and securing a pre-let for a key anchor tenant or tenants.


Tom McBain confirmed that there had been informal discussions regarding student accommodation and hotel plus residential options for Riverside and also that there had been discussion with Avon Fire in response to a question from Councillor Barrett.


There was some discussion around potential local government reorganisation – Andrew Pate, Resources Director confirmed that land is normally transferred but that this form of reorganisation was not on the agenda for the existing Government.


Councillor Roberts asked what was being done to encourage sustainability in terms of transport, he noted that the car park was being increased. Derek Quilter – Lead Director (delivery) explained that he was working with Jane Wildblood – Corporate Sustainability Manager on measures to encourage public transport use and car sharing. He explained that there was no separate revenue budget line for this aspect of the project work although he was working closely with the Council’s sustainability team. Councillor Roberts added that this was a large project and that consideration should be given to some funding towards sustainability issues.


Councillor Roberts asked about the potential anchor tenant, Tom McBain explained that there were ongoing discussions with a convenience store and others which it was hoped would create natural footfall between this store and Tesco at the other end of the High Street.


Councillor Laming raised concerns about Keynsham with relation to recent job losses. He stated that this regeneration would be a kick start for the town. Andrew Pate – Resources Director explained that this project was not able to solve all of the problems for the area and that some of the points made were beyond the scope of the project but that it would make a sizeable contribution.


Councillor Gerrish asked about the police becoming co-users of the one stop shop in Keynsham, the project manager explained that the police were expected to take about 100 square metres.


Councillor Bull thanked all those present for the debate on this issue and asked that a further update report be brought to the November 21st meeting of the Panel which would be held in Keynsham in order to accommodate members of the public who would like to attend.


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