Agenda item


Explanation: A member of the public who has given prior notice may make his/her views known at a Council meeting by making a statement, presenting a petition or a deputation on behalf of a group or asking a question (see note 5 above).

The Democratic Services Manager will announce any submissions received under the arrangements set out in note 5 above. The Council will be invited to decide what action it wishes to take, if any, on the matters raised in these submissions. As the questions received and the answers given will be circulated in written form there is no requirement for them to be read out at the meeting. The questions and answers will be published with the draft minutes.


The following statements were made at agenda item 8;


David Dunlop made a statement regarding flood mitigation in relation to the Bath Transport package – a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.


Steve Mackerness made a statement regarding the Bath Transport package which welcomed the removal of the BRT and Bathampton Meadows from the bid – a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.


Ian Bell made a statement regarding the Bath Transport package, expressing concern that it would not significantly address the city’s need for economic growth – a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.


Pam Richards made a statement on behalf of Response2Route regarding the appropriation of open space land and hoped that this would be reversed.


David Redgewell made a statement regarding the Bath Transport package and referred to a number of documents already circulated electronically to Councillors. He asked Councillors to consider the need for much improved bus and rail services in the area and to ensure effective independent scrutiny of decisions taken at the regional level.  In response to a question from Councillor Eleanor Jackson regarding the source of his information, David explained it had come from the Regional Development Agency.


Jo McCarron made a statement on behalf of Response2Route regarding village green applications in Newbridge in relation to the Bath Transport package – a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.


David Evans made a statement regarding the A362 in Midsomer Norton, and called for traffic calming measures to be increased - a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.  In response to a question from Councillor Eleanor Jackson about David’s view of why the Highways department had refused a zebra crossing in a particular spot, he responded that it was perhaps because the road was too dangerous to cross at that point.


George Bailey made a statement expressing concern about the proposed diversion of the A362 in Radstock - a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.  In response to a question from Councillor Eleanor Jackson regarding air pollution and respiratory diseases, George responded that if the narrow street became 2 way, traffic would travel more slowly, there would be queues of traffic and HGVs going round the roundabout would be moving off from a standstill – all of which would exacerbate the pollution.


Amanda Leon from Radstock Action group made a statement regarding roads in Radstock in relation to the Bath Transport package - a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.  In response to a question from Councillor Eleanor Jackson regarding the views of Radstock Traders, Amanda explained that they were totally opposed to the plans.


The following statements were made at agenda item 9;


Richard Thomson, Headteacher of Culverhay school, made a statement in support of the school - a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.


Sean Turner, Deputy Headteacher of Culverhay school, made a statement in support of the school.


Bob Wilkins made a statement in support of the school - a copy of which is held on the Minute book and published on the Council’s website with the draft minutes of the meeting.


Don Wallace, Governor at Culverhay school, made a statement in support of the school.


James Eynon, Head boy at Culverhay school, made a statement in support of the school.


The following statement was made at agenda item 10;


Raymond Friel, Headteacher at St Gregory’s school, made a statement in support of the item.  In response to a question from Councillor John Bull regarding the admissions criteria with regard to religious denomination, Raymond responded that the first criteria was for those at the school, or with a a statement of special educational needs but that the Admissions policy was still draft and the other categories were to be negotiated.