Agenda item
- Meeting of Council, Thursday, 21st November, 2024 6.30 pm (Item 42.)
- View the declarations of interest for item 42.
The Democratic Services Manager will announce any submissions received. The Council will be invited to decide what action it wishes to take, if any, on the matters raised in these submissions. As the questions received and the answers given will be circulated in written form there is no requirement for them to be read out at the meeting. The questions and answers will be published with the draft minutes.
Statements were made by the following members of the public;
Tim Spratt made a statement about the Winifred Lane Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO), a copy of which has been added to the Minute book and online record. Tim outlined the problems with the ETRO and called upon the Council to listen to concerns and find a solution that is safe and works for local people. Councillor Colin Blackburn asked whether WECA might be liable for approving ineligible funding, and B&NES forced to repay the CRSTS if it’s not complying with Department for Transport guidelines. Tim replied that could be the case. Councillor Joanna Wright asked what data the Council had from before and after the ETRO, to which Tim replied that he did not know. Councillor Tim Warren asked for clarification that Tim had said that the ETRO was illegal, to which he replied that it was.
Susan Charles made a statement about accessible homes, a copy of which has been added to the Minute book and online record. She added to the comments she had made at the last meeting, calling for 5 changes to Planning regulations that could make a huge difference to accessible housing. Councillor Kevin Guy asked if Susan would be happy to meet with the Cabinet Member for Housing to discuss these issues, to which Susan replied that she would. Councillor Saskia Heijltjes asked what the 5 changes are, which Susan explained were; level access, wider doorways, moveable bathroom walls, good lighting in stairways and joists and rafters placed so that lifts were possible.
Joanne Laishley made a statement about the commitments the Council made in the Peace motion at its meeting on 18th July 2024. She expressed frustration about her perception of lack of progress and suggested further dates on which it would be appropriate to fly the UN flag.
Marie Duffy made a statement about the situation in Gaza and its effect on B&NES residents, a copy of which has been added to the Minute book and online record. She asked what steps were being taken to communicate the Council’s support set out in the July Peace motion. The admirable support that had been shown to Ukrainian refugees did not appear to be being offered to Palestinian members of the community. Councillor Kevin Guy asked Marie if she would be interested to meet the Council’s Refugees Officer, to which she said she definitely would.
Polly Campbell-Preston made a statement about the Council commitments made in the Peace motion in July and in particular those in resolution 7 which called on Government to ensure safe routes, a copy of which has been added to the Minute book and online record. She asked how this request had been communicated and what response had been been received.
Benazir Jatoi also made a statement about the Council commitments made in the Peace motion in July, a copy of which has been added to the Minute book and online record. Whilst acknowledging this was a step in the right direction, he stated that it was not forceful enough. He asked why a permanent ceasefire was not being called for. Councillor Joanna Wright asked Benazir if he was aware of the Green group’s efforts to push for firmer actions, which had not been successful. He replied that he was aware and found this bemusing.
Jane Samson made a statement about the Council commitments made in the Peace motion in July, a copy of which has been added to the Minute book and online record. She questioned whether any actions were being taken arising from the Peace motion and said that people were losing trust in the Council. Councillor Kevin Guy asked Jane if she would like to meet with the Council’s Refugees Officer, to which she replied that she would. Councillor Joanna Wright asked Jane if she had been aware before this meeting that the Council had a Refugees Officer, and she replied that she had not.
Candice Streeter, a Bathampton resident, made a statement about the Liveable Neighbourhoods programme, a copy of which has been added to the Minute book and online record. She outlined the negative impact of road closures, increasing pollution and hindering residents and added that the programme was damaging trust in the Council.
Hakan Aysan on behalf of the Ensleigh Residents Association made a statement on the Park & Ride Service and highlighting the lack of bus provision. He asked if the operating hours could be extended to enable easier access to the night time economy and referred to a petition currently at 165 signatures calling for this. Councillor Kevin Guy asked if Hakan would like to meet with the Cabinet Member for Transport to discuss options, to which he replied that he would. Councillor Saskia Heijltjes asked Hakan if he was aware that the Green group had been requesting an extension of the Park & Ride service, to which he replied that he had not been aware.
Gennie Widick, a pupil at the Royal High school, also spoke in support of extension of the Park & Ride hours. A copy of Gennie’s statement has been added to the Minute book and online record. Gennie outlined how this would benefit all the community, but particularly the safety of women and elderly and disabled people.
Richard Daws made a statement about the Komedia entertainment venue, a copy of which had been circulated to Councillors and has been added to the Minute book and online record. Richard set out a number of ways the Council could assist regarding access to the venue and business rates discounts. Councillor Kevin Guy asked if Richard would like to meet with the Finance Cabinet Member and the relevant officer to discuss this, to which Richard replied that he would. Councillor Robin Moss asked if the business rates relief applied to sporting venues too, to which Richard replied that he understood it did. Councillor Shaun Hughes asked for clarification about the access issues and Richard explained that they were asking that coaches be treated the same as transit vans. Councillor Joanna Wright asked what benefits this would bring and Richard explained that standard rates were about £45k so it would be 80% of that. Councillor Tim Warren asked if this was just about access, to which Richard replied that it was becoming a reputational problem if word spreads that it’s difficult to come to Bath.
The Chair thanked all the speakers for their statements which will be referred to the relevant Cabinet Members.