Agenda item


The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB) on current issues.


Laura Ambler, Director of Place for Bath and North East Somerset, BSW ICB addressed the Panel and responded to the following questions.


Councillor Paul Crossley asked if the Stoptober campaign could provide the same challenge towards vaping.


Laura Ambler replied that the ICB has supported the campaign through publicity, its social media channels and press releases and signposted local people to the HCRG Stop Smoking Support and Vaping Advice service.


Kevin Burnett referred to Maternity Services, and in particular, pre- and post-natal support and asked if there were any metrics that could support the good work that is being carried out within this area.


Laura Ambler replied that there should be data available that can be shared with the Panel. She added that in respect of people who had been in receipt of services from Ocean that there was a notable difference in their trauma scores.


Kevin Burnett asked who oversees the BSW Suicide Prevention Strategy from a Place level, in particular from an early intervention / prevention perspective and were schools involved at all.


Laura Ambler replied that she was aware that the Panel were due to discuss the Suicide Prevention Strategy at its next meeting in November. She added that the BSW Suicide Prevention Group have debated the strategy and will formally oversee the actions.


She added that it was key to understand how local actions would be taken forward and who will hold that level of responsibility.


Kevin Burnett referred to the subject of pharmacies and asked if an update could be provided regarding resources and staffing. He also asked if information could be provided on the technology in place that links pharmacies, GPs and other agencies if pharmacies are now to be seen as a place to first attend with health concerns and if this information is fed back to GPs should a member of the public attend multiple pharmacies so that they can assess if that person has a wider health need.


Laura Ambler replied that she would seek to provide further information on this subject through a future update to the Panel.


Councillor Liz Hardman commented that having briefly looked at the Ocean website it was a 4 – 6 month waiting period to begin receiving their services. She asked if this could be confirmed or updated.


Laura Ambler replied that she would get further clarification on that for the Panel. She added that a need for treatment would be assessed prior to support being provided.


Councillor Hardman asked if there remains a shortage of midwives within the area and how well are they supported in their roles.


Laura Ambler replied that they are looking at workforce planning across the system to encourage and secure more resources for this work area. She said that she would ask the Workforce Lead to respond to this matter further.


Councillor Hardman referred to Suicide Prevention and asked if areas of deprivation are a factor that are considered in this work.


Laura Ambler replied that she believed that the work does address specific areas of population health data, including ages, gender etc.


Councillor Lesley Mansell asked for a response to be sourced regarding her previous enquiry regarding Physiotherapy Services provided by HCRG. She said she had asked about their uptake, waiting list and number of patients seen over the past two years.


Laura Ambler replied that she would seek responses to these questions.


Councillor Ruth Malloy referred to Stoptober and said she was concerned that people would also become addicted to using vapes. She asked to be assured that multi-use vapes were being allocated as part of the campaign to avoid additional waste.


Laura Ambler replied that from the discussions held at the Health & Wellbeing Board there was definitely a focus to deter people from using single use vapes.


Councillor Dave Harding asked if the continuity of midwifery care, 1-2-1 support during labour and 2-1 support during home births was being delivered consistently within our area and our hospitals. He also asked if there was sufficient funding to enable theses services to be delivered.


Laura Ambler replied that she did not have answers to hand on these questions, but said that there is a commitment to ensuring safer staffing levels and encouragement of personalised care plans where appropriate for a patient’s pregnancy journey.


Councillor Harding asked if further information regarding the data and metrics relating to cancer pathways / trends could be shared with the Panel.


Laura Ambler replied that data is collected in relation to their 28 day and 62 day standards and that dashboard information supplied to their Elective Recovery Board could be provided.


Councillor Crossley asked if data was available for people in receipt of advice services who have only ever vaped.


Laura Ambler replied that she would need to consult with Public Health colleagues regarding that question.


Councillor Onkar Saini asked how the Be Well B&NES initiative will be measured in terms of its success.


Laura Ambler replied that she could discuss this further with Public Health colleagues, but said that this was a broad Health & Wellbeing campaign identifying factors for healthy living, with a focus on prevention and avoidance. She added that metrics are captured in a number of different ways and would consider what information would benefit being shared with the Panel.


Councillor Saini referred to Social Prescribing and asked how these services can be provided to our most vulnerable members of the public in rural / hard to reach areas.


Laura Ambler replied that a range activities are provided through this service and was aware that there is a Social Prescribing Manager who has been working directly with 3SG and the ICB to target areas in most need.


The Chair asked if any update was available regarding the contract award for the Integrated Community Based Care Programme.


Laura Ambler replied that she was unable to update the Panel at this time, but would do so as soon as it was possible.


The Chair, on behalf of the Panel, thanked Laura for her update.

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