Agenda item

MINUTES: 9th September 2024


Kevin Burnett offered the following observations on the minutes for 9th September 2024.


·  He asked to be sent the presentation slides from the Community Summit held earlier in the year.


·  Page 7 – He asked for clarity regarding the admissions criteria for the forthcoming Special School on the former Charlton House site.


·  Page 12 – Could the Panel yet be given any feedback following the recent CQC inspection of Adult Social Care.


·  Page 15 – The Panel are waiting for an update from the ICB on Winter Pressures.



The Director of Education & Safeguarding replied that he had just emailed the presentation slides directly to him.


Regarding the new Special School admissions criteria, he replied that applications would need to be made to the B&NES Special Educational Needs Team. He added that places would not be able to be ringfenced for children & young people living within B&NES.


Councillor Dave Harding asked if any child or young person would be asked to move to the new Special School if they were currently attending a school outside of B&NES.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding replied that discussions about placements would normally take place as part of the Annual Review process, but stated that no child would be forced to move from their current placement.


Councillor Joanna Wright asked what more could be done to establish the number of eligible children entitled to Free School Meals within B&NES.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding replied that he would raise the matter with colleagues within the Welfare department to check on what more can be done.


Councillor Wright said that it should be seen as a priority for children to receive what they deserve and are entitled to. She also stated that the low percentage of EHCP’s issued within the statutory timescale of 20 weeks (25.1%) needed to be addressed.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding replied that he would be happy to discuss the subject of EHCP’s in more detail at a future meeting of the Panel.


Councillor Lesley Mansell referred to page 11 of the minutes and asked if the Panel could be updated with regard to the Community Support Contracts, their next steps, engagement with the sector and a timescale for conclusion. She added that in her view it was important to have this resolved ahead of the next budget setting process.


The Chair replied that a joint presentation was expected at the November meeting of the Panel from the Director of Adult Services and the Director of 3SG.


Councillor Paul May, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services added that he had attended a meeting with representatives from 3SG and assured the Panel that engagement with the sector was now ongoing. He added that the local voluntary sector is brilliant and that the Council does want to work with them as early intervention in many areas is key.


Councillor Mansell referred to the subject of Free School Meals and asked if research could be carried out to see how other Local Authorities have attempted to address this matter. She added that the new Labour Government had announced an initiative around Breakfast Clubs and would welcome an update on that at a future meeting.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding replied that efforts had been made in a previous report to the Panel to address this issue. He added that he would seek to provide any additional information via the next Children’s Services Cabinet Member update.


Councillor Mansell asked if the proposed new Youth Hubs would be funded by the Government.


The Director of Children's Services & Education replied that the Department for Education (DfE) were due to share a policy paper with them in November and that they expected Youth Hubs to be included. She added that she would share this with the Panel when it becomes available.


Councillor Mansell commented that the Voluntary Sector needs assurance from the Council, especially with regard to employee contracts. She asked what the status of the proposed interim contracts.


Councillor May replied that some contracts have been updated to provide continuity.


The Panel confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting as a true record, with these comments in mind, and they were duly signed by the Chair.

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