Agenda item

Cabinet Member update

The Cabinet Member will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



Councillor Mark Elliott, Cabinet Member for Resources, gave an update which covered the following:



·  The current primary focus is on the areas that are predicted to be over budget (Corporate Estate, Waste Management and Children’s Services). The Cabinet Member is having regular meetings with the relevant Heads of Service.

·  Regarding Children’s Services, the Cabinet Member stated that there is a commitment to providing the best care to vulnerable children and also to looking at ways to best support them. He reported that the top 10 cases represent 20% of the budget.

·  Regarding the BOB (Being Our Best) Programme, he reported that this programme is aimed at making the Council organisational structure fit for purpose (Great jobs, smarter structures and cultural excellence). The Cabinet Member reported good progress and engagement with Trade Unions. He stated that this is a significant piece of work and that the lead officer could give a full update at a future meeting of the Panel.


Councillor Halsall asked if Corporate Estate and Waste Management departments are being realistic in setting their budgets. The Cabinet Member explained that it is an exercise in lifting the lid and seeing what departments need and to get better visibility on this. The Executive Director (Operations) explained that in Waste Services there are some underlying pressures (staff costs/sickness pay etc). Budgets are now very lean. It is a heavy staff-based service. There is now a better understanding of the cost base.


The Executive Director (Sustainable Communities) explained that the underlying issues regarding the Corporate Estate are also being explored. There are three main issues – the cost of empty assets (eg Culverhay); lost income/rent for assets and plans to make savings in the running of the Corporate Estate which has been more challenging than anticipated.


Councillor Treby asked if there were any themes regarding the Corporate Estate savings and empty buildings. The Executive Director explained that a big issue is the cost of maintaining buildings which can fall within different budgets. Also, some recruitment (eg surveyors) can be difficult.


Councillor Halsall asked if any short-term measures could help such as short-term lease of properties while they are empty. The Executive Director explained that this is done already – an example is the short-term lease shops currently in the Post Office building.


Councillor Hodge asked if we are getting anywhere with Commercial Estate contributions regarding maintenance. The Cabinet Member explained that this is being worked on but there have been recruitment issues in the maintenance area. He is pleased with the progress on the Commercial Estate.


Councillor Hughes asked if these events could have been predicted at the time the budget was set and are the any more surprises to come. The Cabinet Member explained that you can never know everything, especially with demand led services. The Executive Director added that she is reasonably secure that there are no further surprises and Quarter 2 should show the presssure coming down (this will be reported to the Panel at the next meeting).


Councillor Moss asked about the BOB programme and how many appeals there had been regarding the role profiles. The Executive Director explained that around 1000 job descriptions had been replaced with 350 role profiles. It is a two-stage process, there have been less than 100 follow up enquiries. Discussions with Trade Unions are confidential. The next letter to staff will be sent towards the end of this year.


Councillor Moss asked about the Guildhall market roof window which fell in this afternoon. Stall holders had highlighted concerns and there are cracks in similar windows. The Executive Director stated that this will be swiftly repaired. Regular assessments are done to establish priorities on the Corporate and Commercial Estate as we cannot afford to do everything. The roof of the Victoria Art Gallery is currently being replaced.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member and Executive Directors.