Agenda item


The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB) on current issues.


Laura Ambler, Director of Place for Bath and North East Somerset, BSW ICB addressed the Panel and sought to highlight the following areas from the update report. A copy of the update report will be attached as an online appendix to these minutes.


Blood pressure checking outreach clinics underway in B&NES


Bath and North East Somerset, Somerset and Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB) is hosting a series of free blood pressure checks across the local area as part of the national Know Your Numbers Week initiative.


Events have taken place at the Somerset and Dorset Heritage Railway in Midsomer Norton, Bath Rugby and the Alice Park Youth Music Festival with future events also scheduled at Bath City FC.


The Alice Park Youth Music Festival was also used to carry out some community engagement work to gather views of children and young people about access to local services.


Awareness campaign uses mirrors in leisure centres in B&NES to highlight cancer risks


NHS messages prompting gym-goers to look out for potential signs of cancer will appear in the changing rooms of some leisure centres in B&NES over the coming weeks.


The stickers will feature the messages ‘Check you out’ and ‘Know what’s normal for you’ and remind people that if something in their body doesn’t feel right, they should make contact with their GP.


Leisure centres taking part in the initiative are Culverhay Leisure Centre, Odd Down Sports Ground Bath, Bath Sports and Leisure Centre and Keynsham Leisure Centre.


Flu and RSV vaccination programme underway in B&NES


A vaccination programme has started across B&NES to provide vaccines to protect against flu, COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).


This year the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has recommended adults aged 65 and over, residents of care homes for older adults and those with underlying health conditions aged 6 months to 64 years will be eligible for flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.


Vaccines for RSV, a common cause of coughs and colds which can be dangerous to older people and young children will be available to those aged 75 to 79 and pregnant women from 28 weeks.


Official opening of the Dyson Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospitals Bath


Her Majesty the Queen officially opened the Dyson Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospitals Bath (RUH) on September 3rd. Patients, staff, supporters and guests from the wider community were on hand to mark the occasion. Her Majesty was given a guided tour of the new purpose-built centre, which brings together many of the RUH’s cancer services under one roof, including the RUH's oncology, chemotherapy and radiotherapy services.


The new centre sees around 350 patients a day and is backed by over £40m in government funding as part of the New Hospital Programme.


The Dyson Cancer Centre was also supported by an additional £10m fundraising campaign from RUHX, the hospital's official charity, including a £4m donation from the James Dyson Foundation and £1m by the Medlock Charitable Trust.


BSW ICB Compliments and complaints


BSW ICB is committed to responding to patient needs and encouraging a culture that seeks and uses people’s experiences of care to improve the commissioning of services. 


Our Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) and Complaints Service offers advice and information if patients have concerns or complaints.


People wishing to make a complaint or raise a concern about the care received from a GP practice, dental surgery, opticians or pharmacy must contact the South-West regional complaints team or the healthcare provider directly.


People wishing to make a complaint about the RUH can visit the RUH PALS office next to the RUH main entrance, call 01225 825656 / 826319 or email


BSW ICB will do its best to resolve complaints, however, if members of the public are not satisfied with the way their complaint has been handled, and would like to take it further, they can contact the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman which makes final decisions on unresolved complaints about the NHS in England.  The Ombudsman is independent of the Government and the NHS, and their service is confidential and free of charge.


Patients can also get free help and support from an Advocacy Service when pursuing complaints. Advocacy services are independent charities which represent the interests of patients. They offer a free, independent and confidential advice and support services for people making a complaint relating to either health or social care.


The Chair asked what role the Panel can play in scrutinising Health Services.


Laura Ambler replied that from the ICB’s perspective the Panel’s role is to scrutinise their jointly commissioned services.


Councillor Robin Moss commented that he was curious about the qualifying criteria for the Covid and Flu vaccinations and the difference between those and for RSV as no vulnerable groups were identified for RSV. He also queried why pneumonia had not been included in this vaccination programme.


Laura Ambler replied that she would take this query away for discussion with colleagues and reply in due course.


Councillor Moss said that the updates received by the Panel are welcome, but that he would also like to hear where pressures might be building within the area.


Laura Ambler replied that a report on Winter Pressures had been taken to the Health & Wellbeing Board and said that summary of that report could be shared with the Panel.


Councillor Joanna Wright commented that pharmacists at Boots Southgate have noticed an increase in users from Lambridge who are accessing methadone in the city centre, rather than the Lambridge pharmacy, because the local pharmacy cannot hold enough methadone. She said that access to the city centre is challenging for many of these residents and asked if more methadone could be held at the Lambridge pharmacy.


Laura Ambler thanked Councillor Wright for drawing this to her attention, she said she that she would pass this onto colleagues in the ICB to see if anything could be done.


Councillor Wright said that she agreed with the comments made by Councillor Moss regarding the Panel receiving information about the likely pressures within the area.


Laura Ambler replied that she would consider what type of mechanism should be put in place for the Panel to receive such a report. She added that they had previously mentioned whether the Panel should be notified when such reports are published for the Health & Wellbeing Board.


Councillor Wright asked if there was any update regarding dentistry that could be given.


Laura Ambler replied that there was not on this occasion and that the work regarding Dental Vans was ongoing.


The Director of Public Health replied that she would discuss the issue in relation to methadone further with Councillor Born as part of an ongoing piece of work regarding pharmacies and our commissioned Drugs & Alcohol Services.


She added, in response to the comments made by Councillor Moss, that there is a National Committee for Vaccination & Immunisations which will have researched and identified the groups of people most at risk and made those decisions on who should be in receipt of these vaccinations. She said that she could share further explanatory information with the Panel.


Councillor Dave Harding asked if there were plans to expand the blood pressure checking outreach clinics and cancer awareness campaign to the rural communities.


Laura Ambler replied that they have recently reestablished an Engagement Team within the ICB and that they were seeking to highlight where there are themes, issues or groups of people that we need to reach out to. She added that she would be mindful of this when compiling future update reports.


Councillor Liz Hardman referred to the recent decision made by the Cabinet Member for Adult Services on the subject of the Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Contract Award and asked if the Panel could be informed of what services would be within the contract.


Laura Ambler replied that this decision relates to the Integrated Community Based Care Programme which is currently in an ongoing procurement process and therefore no further comment could be given. She said that an update will be brought to the Panel in due course.


The Chair, on behalf of the Panel, thanked Laura Ambler for the update.