Agenda item


1.  Alice Park Café Bookings

2.  Young Persons Music Event in September

3.  Corporate Event Update

4.  Health and Safety at Events

5.  Policy on Charity Stands using Alice Park


1.  Alice Park Café Bookings

The Chair reported that the café proprietor, Tony Hickman was looking for the approval of the Trust to advertise for events in view of the fact that some of the events would require the approval of the Trust.  It was suggested that the adverts include a mention that there would be additional costs associated with larger and corporate events.


RESOLVED that approval be given to Alice Park Café to advertise events subject to mentioning the additional costs for larger/corporate events.


2.  Young Persons Music Event in September

The Chair reported that at the recent Larkhall Festival, young people had been involved in playing music and she had been speaking with the café proprietor about holding a music event specifically for people under 25 to bring young people into the park in a safe way and use the event to bring in other organisations such as Project 28 and Off the Record.  She suggested that this could be an afternoon/evening event in September and confirmed that the Council Events Team would be requested to help with input from the Safety Advisory Group. 


The Sub-Committee supported the proposal and suggested that schools also be included in the event.


RESOLVED that a young people’s music event be held in Alice Park in September.


3.  Corporate Event Update

The Chair reported back on the Corporate Event held by L&C Mortgages on 6 June.  She confirmed that the event had been better managed than the previous year and had only received 2 letters of complaint and she thanked the Council’s Events Team for all their work in supporting the event which had raised a lot of money for the Trust as well as supporting 4 sessions for children run by Bath Area Play Project. 


Cllr Saskia Heijltjes confirmed that the nursery had given feedback that they had appreciated the music not starting until after 5pm but had been concerned about the use of cars within the park. 


It was suggested that future event organisers would be reminded to comply with risk assessments which would include stewards to ensure cars were not brought into the park.


It was confirmed that there were no issues of litter being left behind after the event. 


4.  Health and Safety at Events

The Chair raised a concern that at the recent Larkhall Festival, some cars had been parked within the park and were driven out during the event creating a hazard to park users, particularly young children.  She suggested that the Trust may need to consider closing the car park to the public for future events.  The Council’s Events Officer agreed that this was an acceptable approach, she recommended that the car park could be in use for the team organising the event and users be encouraged to attend using public transport/active travel.  It was noted that this could be achieved by barriers/stewards rather than locking gates.  In response to a question about procuring barriers, it was suggested that Volker may be able to assist.


5. Policy on Charity Stands using Alice Park

The Chair reported that there had been a few requests from charities wishing to use the park to promote their work and suggested a charge of £30 which would be agreed without going through the Council’s Events Team.  Cllr Oli Henman asked that these requests continue to be circulated to members of the Sub-Committee to keep them in the loop.

In response to a question about B&NES policy on this type of use, the Council’s Events Officer stated that promotional pitches would be subject to licensing regulations and if charities brought their own infrastructure, the Council would make sure they had undertaken a risk assessment and had public liability insurance.  She recommended that any gazebo would need to be weighted and suggested that the Trust/café may wish to buy one which could be hired out to users. 

Bryan Johnson asked if the café proprietor, Tony Hickman be requested to consider purchasing a branded/plain weighted gazebo which could hired out.