Agenda item



The Council considered a motion from the Green Group calling for peace in Gaza.


On a motion from Councillor Joanna Wright, seconded by Councillor Sam Ross, it was unanimously




Council expresses horror at the conflict in Palestine and Israel and sympathy to all in the Bath and North East Somerset area who have been affected.


Council Notes that:


  1. East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and Gaza are internationally recognised as being under illegal occupation by Israel. Amnesty International states that Gaza has been subject to 16 years of blockade and multiple NGOs recognise a system of apartheid within this region.


  1. On the 7th October 2023, Hamas, launched an assault on Israel – the European Parliament has described this as the deadliest attack on a Jewish community since the end of the Holocaust.


  1. The UN states that all nations have a right to self-determination and self-defence, but these rights must be defended within the purview of international law. Nevertheless, a devastating and violent conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza has ensued since 7th October 2023:
    1. Tens of thousands of civilians have lost their lives in this conflict, including Israeli and British citizen, but fatalities are predominantly Palestinian women and children.
    2. Approximately 75 percent of Gaza's total population, equating to two million people, have been displaced. The displacement exacerbates challenges in the international asylum system, forcing individuals to seek refuge as asylum seekers and refugees.
    3. The conflict has left Palestine without critical infrastructure, food, water, and resources: multiple hospitals have been targeted in IDF operations, contravening the Geneva Convention; UN officials have deemed the supplies sent to Gaza via trucks as "grossly inadequate", many of which have been blocked by the IDF; the lack of access to clean water has led to the spread of disease due to inadequate sanitation facilities; Palestinians suffer daily from malnutrition, famine, and starvation.
    4. Both Hamas and Israel are alleged to have committed grave breaches of the Geneva Convention which are defined as War Crimes by Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.


  1. Israel's ongoing targeting of Gaza, most recently in Rafah - where many refugees have sought shelter, poses a grave threat to regional and international stability. Deliberate attacks on non-combatant civilians or civilian infrastructure are deemed as war crimes under the Rome Statute. Amnesty International has warned that Israel's recurrent assaults on Rafah violate these international laws;


  1. The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the highest court of the United Nations, has heard a case of alleged genocide by Israel. The ICJ issued an interim ruling instructing Israel to prevent genocidal acts and enable humanitarian assistance, despite which civilian casualties in Gaza have increased.


  1. The profound and traumatising impact the conflict has had on local residents in Bath and North East Somerset, particularly those with close ties to family, friends or loved ones in Palestine and Israel, and expresses thanks to all residents who shared their experiences and heartfelt feelings at recent full Council meetings.


  1. The international conflict has heightened security concerns, exacerbated social and political divisions, increased defence and military budgets, caused economic impacts, potentially distressed diaspora communities, led to protests, occupations, and demonstrations, and influenced media coverage, shaping public perceptions and attitudes within B&NES.




  1. Recognises that the UK has an historical responsibility in this conflict and should support innocent civilians affected by it while striving to secure long-term peace.


  1. Reinforces that Hamas do not represent the Palestinian people – and the Palestinian people are not Hamas.


  1. Reiterates the ICJ’s insistence that Israel must take all measures within its power to prevent acts contravening the genocide convention, ensuring, with immediate effect, that its forces do not commit any act of genocide and immediately improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza.


  1. Expresses deep sympathy for all those affected by the conflict in Israel and Palestine, offering solidarityto those in the B&NES area impacted by this conflict.


  1. Believes in the long term there can only be a political solution to this crisis. Discussions must restart immediately for a two-state solution, aiming for a safe and viable Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel, to achieve lasting peace.


  1. Hopes for an immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.


  1. Believes that Muslims, Jews, and people of all faiths and none should feel safe and supported worldwide and condemns the increase in Antisemitic and Islamophobic violence and abuse in the UK.


Council therefore:


  1. Supports calls for an immediate, bilateral, ceasefire locally, nationally and internationally.


  1. Asks the Council Leader to write to the UK Government on behalf of B&NES Council urging a ceasefire, the release of hostages, the reinstatement of funding for UNRWA, and advocate for lasting peace with a two-state solution on the global stage.


  1. Repeats its dedication to combat racism and discrimination in our communities and condemns the use of all dehumanising language. We call on our communities to treat each other with respect and refrain from inflammatory terminology.


  1. Resolves to explore how the Council can better support and facilitate events for people of all faiths and none, enabling them to come together and express solidarity and sadness in response to these events.


  1. Pledges to promote and facilitate access to local services that offer the best support for residents.


  1. Pledges to support these services and facilitate their needs, as they play a key role in assisting and nurturing our residents during these challenging times.


  1. Calls on the government to ensure that there are safe and legal routes for refugees and to reformthe UK Resettlement Scheme to allow a route to safety for the most vulnerable in Gaza with emergency pathways for those seeking refuge from the conflict and emphasises our readiness as a community in Bath and North East Somerset to provide support and open our arms to innocent people displaced and affected by these events, as the community did for refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine.


  1. Desires to fly the UN flag as a symbol of peace at the Guildhall on appropriate occasions, such as the UN International Day of Peace, in recognition of our shared hope for peace across the world.




1.  The above successful motion incorporates various amendments and additions proposed by Councillor Manda Rigby and accepted into the substantive motion by the mover and seconder.]

Supporting documents: