Agenda item


The Democratic Services Manager will announce any submissions received. The Council will be invited to decide what action it wishes to take, if any, on the matters raised in these submissions. As the questions received and the answers given will be circulated in written form there is no requirement for them to be read out at the meeting. The questions and answers will be published with the draft minutes.


The Chair made reference to the question and answer document which had been circulated to Councillors and provided to the members of the public who had submitted questions.


Statements were made by the following members of the public.


Lara Amro spoke to Councillors about the conflict in Gaza and its impact on her life in Bath.  She made reference to the Nakba of 1948 and explained her family’s experience.  She explained that 17,000 children had been separated from their parents during the current conflict and called for support.  Councillor Guy asked what Lara considered the Council could do to help. Lara replied that anything that helped advocate for the children in Gaza and possibly facilitate them coming to the UK for support would be helpful.


Ameerah Lebaqa described the UK’s proud tradition of settlement schemes and asked why Palestinian lives were not seemingly worthy of protection.  She called on the Council to put pressure on the Government to launch a scheme similar to the Homes for Ukraine scheme.  Councillor Guy asked if Ameerah would be happy to meet the relevant Cabinet Member to discuss further, to which Ameerah replied that she would be.  Councillor Ross asked Ameerah whether she was aware that the Green group were planning to bring a motion for peace to Council, to which she replied that she was aware, and was grateful.


Jane Samson made a statement calling on the Council to explain what practical support it had offered to Gaza since its statement in March, and to use its power to lobby Government to implement a resettlement scheme.  A full copy of Jane’s statement is attached to the minutes.  Councillor Wright asked Jane if she was aware that the B&NES Constitution incorporates reference to the Human Rights Act 1998.  Jane replied that she was glad to hear it, and would like to know what practical steps have been made to reach out to Palestinian residents in B&NES since the statement was made in March.


Marie Duffy addressed Councillors about the situation in Gaza and referred to the admirable work that the dedicated B&NES team had done supporting Ukrainian refugees and called for a similar arrangement to be put in place. A full copy of Marie’s statement is attached to the minutes.  She stressed that the Council must engage with its Palestinian residents about supporting their family members in Gaza.  Councillor Moss asked Marie if she was aware that it was the Home Office that granted visas and that the Council could only step in and support once that had happened.  Marie replied that she had heard such positive feedback about the Council support to Ukrainians, via the dedicated team, and hoped that the same kindness and hospitality could be offered to Palestinians.


Mohammed Alrozzi addressed Councillors about the situation in Gaza and explained that, since he had spoken to them in March, he felt ignored.  He had not been offered any help or support for family members in Gaza and commented that the government action contrasted markedly with support that has been given to Ukrainian refugees.  A full copy of Mohammed’s statement is attached to the minutes. Councillor Joanna Wright asked Mohammed, as a resident of B&NES, whether the Council had done anything to support him, to which Mohammed replied that they had not.


Majdi Lebaqa spoke about the Gaza situation and implored Councillors to help bring Palestinian families to safety as there is nowhere safe for them to be.  No more time can be wasted.


Malcolm Robinson spoke in support of the Sydney Road Liveable Neighbourhood scheme and outlined some of the positive changes the area had seen in terms of safety, pollution and community feel.  He urged the Council to make this a permanent change.  Councillor Blackburn asked Malcolm how many households had benefitted from the scheme compared to the hundreds of households being impacted from displaced traffic and increased pollution. Malcolm replied that he did not have that number. Councillor Heijltjes asked if Malcolm would welcome a crossing on Beckford road for people walking and cycling in an already congested area, to which Malcolm replied that he did not live there but residents there could request one.


Richard Andrews made a statement supporting the Sydney Road Liveable Neighbourhood scheme.  Richard explained the positive benefits he had noticed and presented information from the South West Ambulance service that the road closures did not cause a significant delay. A full copy of Richard’s statement is attached to the minutes.  Councillor Blackburn asked the same question as he had to the previous speaker, to which Richard replied around 60/70 households.


Mary Allan spoke in support of the Sydney Road Liveable Neighbourhood scheme setting out a number of positive benefits she had spotted. A full copy of Mary’s statement is attached to the minutes.


The Chair thanked everyone for their statements, which would be considered by the relevant Cabinet Members.