Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



Councillor Alison Born, Cabinet Member for Adult Services addressed the Panel and said she was happy to take questions on the update report that had been provided. A copy of the report will be attached as an online appendix to these minutes.


Kevin Burnett commented that he was pleased that further discussions were taking place with community partners regarding the budget savings and asked if there was a timeline for completing the strategic review of services that they provide.


Councillor Born replied that the process was already underway and that contracts were being reviewed to gain an understanding of the service specification required for contract renewals. She added that the intention is to try to complete the review by September 2024 and that the Panel will be updated on progress where possible.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked what will happen in the next phase of communication with the community partners.


The Director of Adult Social Care replied that the strategic review will take place with the community partners on the services they provide and that principles of future work will be established with them.


She added that a period of procurement would then take place prior to implementation. She welcomed the level of engagement that had been received so far.


Councillor Hardman asked if any further cuts were planned to the Community Support contract.


The Director of Adult Social Care replied that those contracts are currently with HCRG, that the Council was working with them and that they were not expecting to make any further savings. She said that this was an opportunity to try to get more for our money and to focus on early intervention.


Councillor Hardman stated that she was pleased that the Council had passed the recent motion regarding Care Experienced Young People and asked if an update could be provided in six months’ time.


Councillor Paul May, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services replied that work was already underway and he would provide further information at the next meeting.


Councillor Joanna Wright asked if services are overlapping, will any further investment be required.


Councillor Born replied that they are seeking to see services become more strategic / streamlined and to be able to target funding better. She said that the review will try to make sure that any actions taken will not cost the Council more money in the future.


Councillor Wright asked when the Panel could next be updated on the review.


The Director of Adult Social Care replied that an update could be provided in July / August.


Councillor Ruth Malloy referred to the issue of oral health amongst children and asked what percentage of schools within B&NES had signed up to the Supervised Toothbrush Scheme, delivered by At Home Dental.


The Director of Public Health replied that 18 primary schools and nurseries were eligible to take part in the scheme, 13 are participating, 3 have declined and 2 have yet to respond. She added that this equated to 425 schoolchildren taking part in the 2-year scheme.


Councillor Malloy asked if it was known if how many of the schools taking part are being supported by the St. John’s Foundation.


The Director of Public Health replied that she did not have that information to hand and would seek an answer on behalf of the Panel.


Kevin Burnett said that he would welcome a report on the work of the voluntary sector, how the Local Authority engages with them and how they support services provided by the Local Authority. He asked if Charlton House would continue to provide meals to the extra care and sheltered housing tenants in the local area.


The Director of Adult Social Care replied that it would. She suggested whether the voluntary organisation 3SG could be invited to the June meeting to explain their role further.


Kevin Burnett asked if the Schools Health and Wellbeing Survey has replaced the SHEU survey and whether it includes the topics of Social Media and Mental Health.


The Director of Public Health replied that it has and will take place every two years. She added that it was now funded by the St. John’s Foundation.


Kevin Burnett asked what the eligibility criteria was for taking part in the Supervised Toothbrush Scheme.


The Director of Public Health replied that it was focussing on the six most deprived areas in B&NES.


Kevin Burnett asked who was leading on the Whole System Health Improvement Framework and what the timeline / success criteria was.


The Director of Public Health replied that it was being led by Annette Luker, Public Health Consultant along with Hannah Thornton, Public Health Registrar, and with other colleagues, partners, and organisations and that a report is scheduled to go to the Health & Wellbeing Board in either June or July.


She added that the work has sought recognition and an agreement as a system to work in a collaborative, integrated way using a whole-systems approach to health improvement.


Kevin Burnett asked if the ‘Excellent’ rating as a Public Health training location secured any additional funding.


The Director of Public Health replied that it did not.


Kevin Burnett asked if the Food Insecurity research was part of the Food Equality Action Plan and what benefit is to be achieved through the use of the toolkit.


The Director of Public Health replied that it was part of the work surrounding Food Equity and was being led by Bath University. She said that the aim of the toolkit is to have in place a good practice guide for local organisations to follow on this issue.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked how confident they were that bringing the Minor Adaptations Service in-house would improve the service.


The Director of Adult Social Care replied that not all of the scoping work had been completed yet, but there is a good infrastructure in place with the Housing department. She said that investment in the service was also likely alongside the use of AI and other technology to make the service become more efficient.


The Chair asked if the use of allotments was part of the Food Insecurity work.


The Director of Public Health replied that she was aware that this had been considered by the Food Equity Group, but was not an area that Public Health were leading on.


The Chair commented that she was concerned about the schools that were not taking part in the Supervised Toothbrush Scheme and asked if any consideration had been given to becoming involved with the Dental Bus initiative that is in place in other areas in the country.


Lucy Baker, BSW ICB replied that £700,000 has been earmarked for a Dental Bus to be used in B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire, which would be an all-age facility. She added that the development plan was currently being worked upon.


The Chair asked if there were plans to fit solar panels to the site of the Culverhay Sports Centre in line with the work that has been carried out on Bath Sports Centre.


Councillor Paul May replied that the site has not been formally approved yet as part of the DfE proposal relating to a Free School / Alternative Provision and said that a Cabinet decision was required. He said that once that was in place discussions could begin about the detail of what was to be put in place on the site. He added that he had requested that a decision be drafted that could be taken to the Cabinet meeting on 9th May.


The Chair thanked Councillor Born for her update on behalf of the Panel.