Agenda item

PENSION FUND ADMINISTRATION - Overview & Summary Performance Report

The purpose of this report is to present the Fund’s administration performance for the three months to 30 September 2023 vs key performance indicators (KPI’s).


The Pensions Operations Manager introduced the report to the Committee and highlighted the following areas from Appendix 3 (Administration Service Improvement Plan update Q3 2023).


Current Service state


  • Aggregate performance is broadly stable – but insufficient.
  • Cases completed are starting to exceed new cases coming in.
  • Reduction of outstanding cases is starting to come down and supports our focus on addressing backlog cases.


Five root causes affecting the Service


  1. People & Capacity

·  Vacancy rate: 10% (13 recent appointments made)

·  Pay

·  Officer experience


Jackie Peel asked if the recent appointments were of experienced staff.


The Pensions Operations Manager replied that the staff appointed have a good range of general skills and have begun pension specific training.


Charles Gerrish asked when the post of Payroll Manager would be filled and is there enough expertise across the current teams.


The Pensions Operations Manager replied that a restructure programme has been undertaken and that following a revision of the job description the post was due to be advertised again soon. She added that she believed that the current teams have the expertise to deal with all aspects of their work.


Councillor Joanna Wright referred to sections 5.3 and 5.4 of the report and asked why two employers were due to be fined.


The Pensions Operations Manager replied that during the Year End exercise two employers had submitted information either where it was incorrect or missing. She added that they do try to be lenient and only issue fines when they are appropriate.


  1. Processes

·  Duplication of process and checking

·  Volume of Leaver work

·  Payroll processes


  1. Regulations

·  New McCloud regulations with effect from 1st October

o  Training received from Aon

o  Switched on in Live

o  60,000 letters / 20,000 emails to be sent by the end of the year

·  New Fire Scheme Sergeant/McCloud regulations with effect from 1st October


The Chair asked why the Fund has taken the decision to switch on the McCloud regulations in the software from 1st October and other Funds have not.


The Pensions Operations Manager replied that for other Funds it could be due to either a resource or confidence issue. She added that some have done so since the start date occurred. She explained that they have encountered some quirks, but these have been reported and either resolved or a solution is being worked upon.


  1. Work Spikes & Projects

·  Fire Scheme exit (31/1/24)

·  ABS (Annual Benefit Statement) spike in work

·  Pensions Increase errors


  1. Increased demand

·  ABS spike in emails / calls

·  Increase in case workload

·  Increase in retirements / deaths

·  Backlogs


The Chair stated that if any enquiries are to be promoted as achievable through the website it will need to clear, easy to understand and secure.


The Pensions Operations Manager replied that this will be the intention when the new Member Website is launched. She added that they were currently at the testing stage, which will include accessibility and security checks.


Future road map


  • Intention to attempt to meet KPI’s by Q4 2024


Jackie Peel suggested setting an interim target for the KPI’s.


The Director, One West replied that a review of the KPI’s generally was also due to take place.


The Chair thanked all officers involved for the work they continue to do and for the improvements made so far.


The Committee RESOLVED to note the service performance for Q3, the three months up to 30 September 2023.

Supporting documents: