Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Councillor Paul May addressed the Panel. He said that within his update he wanted to highlight some of the problems that were being faced by the service, in particular the increase in demand and complexity of issues being raised. A copy of the update will be attached to these minutes as an online appendix.


Kevin Burnett asked if the pressures were likely to lead to a deterioration in services.


Councillor May replied that currently, good and experienced staff were operating well under the pressures and said that he was meeting with them on a regular basis. He added that the numbers of children requiring Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs) had doubled since just before the pandemic, but that the number of staff working in this area had remained the same. He said that agency staff were being used as and when required to alleviate some of the strain and that this work was being kept under close review.


Kevin Burnett asked what pressure, political or otherwise, could be applied to attempt to gain further funding for the service as a whole.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education offered her assurance to the Panel that they have a well established staff leadership group in place. She said that the number of complex cases that had been presented to the service had risen and that steps were hopefully due to be taken to recruit additional staff where possible.


She said that lobbying for further funding has taken place with the Association of Directors of Childrens Services (ADCS) and the Department for Education (DfE) relating to the increase in demand. She added that discussions have also been held with representatives of the South West Councils.


Councillor May said that pressure on Children’s Services budgets was a national issue, but the DfE were attempting to help with their Safety Valve Scheme. He added that meetings have and will continue to take place with Lead Members from other councils to discuss the matter of Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children. He said that between age of 18 – 25 these young people remain the responsibility of the Council, but there is no direct funding available.


The Chair asked whether the Panel should consider having a future report on the subject of EHCPs.


Councillor May replied that he believed the Council was an outlier in terms of its EHCP work and would welcome the Panel receiving such a report.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding added that officers do pride themselves of the delivery of their services and as a team were committed to making improvements to the service.


Councillor Joanna Wright asked if any rewards or incentives could be put in place to add value to the roles of officers within the service to retain their employment or to attract further staff that may currently work for an agency.


Councillor May agreed that the Council needed to do what it could to keep the staff that they have. He added that he still felt that the Council was an employer that people want to work for.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education said that over the past year the Council has reduced its use of agency staff.


The Chair asked has there been any work carried out to encourage agency staff to come and be employed by the Council on a full time basis.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that they have carried out some onboarding work with agency staff to discuss the possibility of full time employment and the general response has been that the Council cannot match the flexibility in hours and the rate of pay. She added that they were considering offering a higher rate of pay for some entry level positions.


She explained that similar discussions have also been held with Independent Foster Carers as to whether they could join the employment of the Council.


Councillor May said that he would take on board the points that had been raised and commented that the annual celebration of work event was always well received.


The Chair added that she would consider if any similar events could be held on behalf of the Mayor.


Kevin Burnett asked if the proposed savings were on track to be made.


Councillor May replied that they were.


Kevin Burnett asked if there would be enough funding in place for the announcements regarding Early Years Childcare.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding replied that this would be a challenge, but that they welcome the initial funding and prospect of further. He added further information will be required on matters such as pay rates and provider costs.


Kevin Burnett asked if the bid from Children’s Social Care to be part of the Sector-Led Improvement Programme would lead to more work for the staff involved.


Councillor May replied that it was recognised that benefits can be achieved by working with colleagues from other Local Authorities.


Councillor Paul Crossley asked if the Council could offer more flexible contracts to those prospective staff that would benefit from having them in place.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that they do offer a degree of flexibility within the current contracts and support requests for secondments etc. as much as possible.


Councillor Lesley Mansell commented that she was aware of similar issues relating to staff recruitment and retention within the NHS and asked what procedures are in place to talk to staff about their reasons for staying / leaving and whether any issues can be reduced.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that they are looking to increase staff number to attempt to reduce some of the pressures. She stated that risk assessments are carried out across the service and that exit interviews do take place. She added that in the main, leaving members of staff have said that has been due to the pressure of the role and not the processes that the Council have in place.


Councillor Liz Hardman said that she was always concerned when seeing the phrase ‘efficiency savings’, but hoped that this would lead to the right amount of resources being put in the most appropriate areas. She stated that the availability of Free School Meal Vouchers in school holidays was due to end in Easter 2024 and that she would like the Council to do all that it could to continue this much needed resource for as long as possible.


The Chair, on behalf of the Panel, thanked Councillor May for his update.