Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring, Cash Limits and Virements - April 2010 to July 2010

This report presents the monitoring information for the Authority as a whole for the financial year 2010/11 to the end of September 2010.


Councillor Paul Crossley made an ad hoc statement expressing his respect for the contribution made by the Council's existing management.  He particularly wished to congratulate Glen Chipp for his excellent achievements under difficult circumstances.  Councillor Crossley asked that Cabinet ensure that the use of the Financial Challenge Reserve would be subject to proper scrutiny.


Councillor Malcolm Hanney in proposing the item agreed with Councillor Crossley that the management of the Council had shown real leadership, particularly by living within budget to ensure that the Council would be in good shape to benefit from the economic recovery.  He assured Councillor Crossley that the Chair of the Corporate Performance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel could ask for information about the reserves at any time.


Councillor Chris Watt seconded the proposal.


On a motion from Councillor Malcolm Hanney seconded by Councillor Chris Watt it was


RESOLVED (unanimously)


(1) To ASK Strategic Directors to continue to work towards managing within budget in the current year for their respective service areas, and to manage below budget where possible by not committing unnecessary expenditure, through tight budgetary control;


(2) To NOTE this year’s revenue budget position;


(3) To NOTE the Council's capital expenditure position in the financial year to the end of September and the year end projections detailed in the report;


(4) To AGREE the revenue virements listed for approval;


(5) To NOTE the listed changes in the capital programme;


(6) To APPROVE the additions to the 2010/11 Capital Programme;


(7) To NOTE the efficiencies forecast for 2010/11.

Supporting documents: