Agenda item
The Democratic Services Manager will announce any submissions received. The Council will be invited to decide what action it wishes to take, if any, on the matters raised in these submissions. As the questions received and the answers given will be circulated in written form there is no requirement for them to be read out at the meeting. The questions and answers will be published with the draft minutes.
Statements were made by the following people;
Chad Allen made a statement about English ivy. He explained how it takes over buildings, trees, walls, telegraph/lighting poles and can cause significant damage. He called on the Council to acknowledge that action was needed to remove this hazard. The statement was referred to the relevant Cabinet Member.
Jeff Manning made a statement, supporting a petition from the residents of Foxhill, which called on the Council to take a radical fresh look at its working relationship with Curo. He cited various examples of recent problems and called for closer engagement to resolve issues. A copy of the statement is linked to the online minutes and placed on the Minute book. In response to an offer from Councillor Kevin Guy to meet him and the ward member, Mr Manning replied that he would welcome that. Councillor Joanna Wright asked Mr Manning for his view of the mental health implications on residents if there were poor quality services, to which he replied that the effect was significant on the individuals and the community. The statement was referred to the relevant Cabinet Member.
Matt Cooper made a statement about the merits of switching to a plant-based diet and urged the Council to prioritise plant-based food options wherever they could. A copy of the statement is linked to the online minutes and placed on the Minute book. In response to a question from Councillor Kevin Guy, Mr Cooper confirmed that he would be pleased to meet with Councillor Sarah Warren to discuss this. Councillor Grant Johnson asked Mr Cooper if this proposal was not counterintuitive to a sustainable diet as it would lead to greater deforestation to provide enough protein and higher levels of waste. Mr Cooper referred the councillor to the National Food strategy and the Committee on Climate Change, both of which state that a significant reduction in meat and diary options are necessary in order to meet our Paris climate obligations. Councillor Joanna Wright asked which other Councils had committed to this and what type of measures were involved. Mr Cooper replied that 12 Councils had passed a motion to move towards plant based eating. Oxfordshire County Council had adopted this fully, and various other Councils including Leeds, Norwich and Exeter were taking steps such as no meat on certain days or no meat for internal events. The statement was referred to the relevant Cabinet Member.
The Chair thanked the members of the public for their statements.