Agenda item
Journey to Net Zero Update
- Meeting of Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel, Thursday, 9th November, 2023 10.00 am (Item 31.)
- View the background to item 31.
The report and slide pack are attached.
Councillor Sarah Warren - DeputyCouncil Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel – introduced a presentation which covered the following:
· Journey to Net Zero
· Vision
· Objectives
· Project Highlights
· Bath Clean Air Zone
· City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement
· Car Clubs: Launch Spring 24
· Working in Partnerships: Anchor Institutions
Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:
Councillor Heijltjes asked for an update on pavement parking with regard to Tier vehicles (E scooters and bikes). The Cabinet Member explained that she was looking into creating a process for on-street parking and asked for ideas to be put forward. With regard to connecting on-street parking with cycle hangers, the officer stated that work was being done on this and she would be happy to be sent any suggested locations.
Councillor Auton asked about car clubs and stated that he would be happy to look at locations in Midsomer Norton. He asked about the railway line. The Cabinet Member explained that the bid for funding had been unsuccessful regarding that site. She stated that she would check the details and agreed to a meeting.
Councillor David asked the following questions. The Cabinet Member response is shown in italics:
· Are there any public engagement plans. The Cabinet Member explained that she recognised the importance of public engagement and the first job of the new communications officer is a communication strategy regarding each of the strands.
· What is the Council’s ambition regarding school streets. The Cabinet Member explained that ‘school streets’ refers to a timed temporary closure of a road at pick up and drop off times. She further explained that work has started on this with schools who have expressed an interest. The criteria will include the enthusiasm of the school and the type of road etc.
Councillor Player asked if there were any plans to expand the CAZ (Clean Air Zone). The Cabinet Member stated that a physical expansion would be an expensive option so this has not been considered in great detail. Regarding air quality data, the Cabinet Member explained that there is monitoring information/graphs on the website.
Councillor Player asked if there would be more cars available to car clubs as one person’s use can dominate. The Cabinet Member stated that work is being done on the type of formula but welcomed the thoughts of residents on this.
Councillor Leach asked about the plan for development work at the Rec in terms of the potential increase in car journeys. The Cabinet Member stated that officers will work with developers on this.
In response to a question from Councillor Heijltjes regarding how progress is measured, the Cabinet Member that she will consider a formal target regarding active travel. She stated that there is a paper on the Cabinet agenda on performance management but that some areas are easier than others regarding collecting and presenting data.
Councillor Box asked about the location of car clubs – will they be in city and rural areas. The Cabinet Member stated that she was keen to include rural areas.
Councillor Box stated that school transport in rural areas is costly and are we looking at electric vehicles. The Cabinet Member stated that school transport is not her area but she would pass this on to her colleague.
Councillor Wait asked about cargo bikes. The Cabinet Member explained that Tier would introduce a couple in the coming weeks/months but currently these can be rented via the Council website.
The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member.
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