Agenda item

Emissions based car parking charges

The report and presentation slides are attached.


The Chair invited Andy Dunn – Team Manager Parking Services – to introduce the report and presentation which covered the following:


·  Paying for parking

·  Emission based charges – context

·  How does emission-based charging work?

·  Next steps


Panel members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Leach asked about if the main drive for this was road safety or public health. The officer explained that the emphasis is pedestrian safety (regarding lung and heart conditions).


Councillor Player asked if this was introduced as part of the Clean Air Zone (CAZ). The officer explained that they are separate but complimentary schemes that address different types of air pollution.


Councillor Halsall asked how confusion and frustration of users will be addressed. He stated that people may not know what their emissions are. He also asked if there would be sufficient signage in all areas. The officer explained that residents did not need to know their emissions – it is worked out based on their number plate. He add that the team were engaging with organisations such as Bath BID and Visit Bath to get the message out to people and hopefully address people’s concerns.


Councillor Wait asked if Bath is the first place to introduce emissions based charging, the officer explained that it was the first to use the machine permit as far as he knew.


Councillor Heijltjes stated that she welcomed the scheme. She asked about foreign visitors paying the highest charge and how this must be made clear to them.  She stressed that communications with people around this are very important as is information about Park and Ride services.


Councillor David stated that she was glad to see that being able to pay with cash was being retained and that people also would have the option to buy a season ticket. She stated that she had concerns regarding the cumulative impact on low income households across the authority and hoped that people would be supported with targeted schemes. She suggested that the Panel could consider the impacts. The officer responded that poor air quality affects everyone. He stated that residents are able to identify any concerns as part of the consultation. He stated that there is not discount for residents as part of this scheme and that the focus is targeting the more polluting vehicles.


Councillor Leach stated that he was concerned about the impact on foreign visitors. He asked about the rationale of the maximum payment and asked about reductions for electric vehicles. The officer stated that the problem was access to data. He further explained that any vehicles add to road congestion and the focus would be to direct visitors to Park and Ride sites.

Councillor Leach suggested that enforcement officers could see if a visitor declared an electric vehicle but did not drive one. The officer stated that this could be considered.


Councillor Beaumont asked if the scheme would be spread out to north east somerset once it is established in Bath. The officer stated that the equipment is being replaced in Keynsham so technically the scheme could be used there.


Councillor Halsall asked if the Council incur a cost to process cash payments. The officer stated that there has been a big reduction in cash income since Covid (£100k to manage the service has been reduced to £40k).


Councillor Heijltjes stated that signs should be technically correct in stating ‘least C02 polluting vehicles’.


Councillor David asked if the revenue from the scheme will be ring fenced. The officer stated that any revenue would be a by product of the scheme. He would check with finance officers.


Councillor Halsall asked if there could be an additional sign explaining that charges are being increased due to climate emergency measures so people know the reasons behind the charges. The officer stated that this can be considered, he stated that on and off street sites would be different and the focus would be to signpost people to Park and Ride sites.


Councillor Heijltjes stated that it would be good to increase the hours of the bus services for Park and Ride sites. The officer stated that these bus services are run by First bus and if they are popular, more money will be available which could be used to improve bus services provision for Park and Ride.



Councillor Wait asked if it was possible that less polluting cars in the Norton Radstock area not be subject to payment. The officer stated that he would look at this.


The Chair thanked the officers.

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