Agenda item


The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB) on current issues.


Laura Ambler, BSW ICB Director of Place Bath and North East Somerset addressed the Panel, a copy of the update will be available as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary is set out below.


Development of BSW Integrated Care Strategy


The BSW Integrated Care Strategy is an important document which sets out what improvements BSW Together Integrated Care System partners will deliver for local people including tackling health inequalities and delivering better, more personalised services.


It draws on elements from individual strategies that already exist and, while the ICS does not intend to replace those strategies, it will provide a summary of how these different elements will work together.


The strategy is under development at the moment but there is a lot of consistency in the themes emerging from other strategies across the area, including tackling inequalities, prevention and wellbeing, development of communities, addressing environmental issues and looking at the wider factors that contribute to health and wellbeing such as housing, education, social mobility, income and employment.


In January, the draft strategy was presented to members of local VCSE sector umbrella group 3SG and the Bath Area Forum. Active engagement took place at both events with audience members with participants saying they looked forward to working with BSW ICB and having an ongoing meaningful dialogue beyond the creation of the strategy.


The Integrated Care Strategy is being developed on behalf of the Integrated Care Partnership and will be presented for formal adoption in Spring 2023. The document will continue to remain ‘live’ and engagement with partners will continue on the strategy after it has been published.


The Implementation Plan, which is also known as the Joint Forward Plan (JFP), is due to be published by 30th June 2023.


Public engagement update


BSW ICB’s core values reflect that the organisation is committed to ensuring the voices and opinions of local people influence key decisions and helps to shape services across Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire.


Patient and public engagement groups bring together members of the public, carers, and representatives from voluntary organisations and local Healthwatch organisations to hold the ICB to account for how it involves local people in the design and commissioning of local health services.


In Bath and North East Somerset, the Your Health, Your Voice group meets every two months.

The group in B&NES is encouraged to inform and support the ICB's engagement with the wider public by advising on different approaches and groups we should consult with. We are reviewing with the group how we can further co-develop the role, reach and participation in this forum.


In addition to this, BSW ICB operates the Our Health, Our Future Citizens Panel to further help engage with local people and get their views on health and care issues.


The online panel is made up of a representative sample of the population from across our region. Panel members take part in regular surveys throughout the year.


Full reports of every survey are made publicly available on the BSW ICB website, and insights gained from the panel are used to inform our decision making, strategy, service design and service change.


Industrial action


BSW Integrated Care Board continues to work hard to keep local people safe during planned strikes, while delivering the best care possible.


While recent nurses and ambulance worker strikes have been stood down or paused, Junior Doctors were currently taking part in industrial action from 06:59 on Monday 13th March to 06:59 on Thursday 16th March 2023


In BSW, system partners are working together to ensure operational oversight and sharing of intelligence.


No-one should put off seeking urgent or emergency care during the strikes and people with serious, life-threatening conditions will continue to be seen at our Emergency Departments.


On days when there is strike action, people should only call 999 if it is a medical or mental health emergency. Ambulances will still respond in these situations, but this may only be where there is an immediate risk to life.


Community Investment Fund


BSW ICB has been working with B&NES Council and the Quartet Community Foundation to administer a catalyst grants programme of £100k.


The Community Investment Fund (CIF) aims to bring the work of BSW ICB and B&NES Council closer to communities and individuals who we know have inequalities and are our most vulnerable, to provide practical help and support.


Funding has now been received to set up a catalyst grant programme which the following organisations will be invited to join.


1.  Southside Hardship Fund

2.  Julian House

3.  Citizens Advice Bureau

4.  Age UK

5.  West of England Rural Network - (B&NES locality only)


These partner organisations are part of the Community Wellbeing hub and are able to identify those who need this help and can administer grants for cost of living support including food, clothing costs and warm home grants.


We intend to make every connection count and ensure that people are helped to access further support, and to develop a long -lasting relationships and a legacy with our communities through this programme.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if there was any say in how the CIF funding was spent with regard to the West of England Rural Network.


Laura Ambler replied that the programme is designed for individual needs and therefore it was not applicable to be used on matters such as general transport / bus provision. She added that issues such as this should be tackled through the Integrated Care Strategy.


Kevin Burnett asked if the Integrated Care Strategy was to be seen as an overarching strategy, and if so, what is being replaced.


Laura Ambler replied that the ICS was not overarching and was there to show how we all come together as partners. She added that the strategy is intended to be complimentary to other areas of work.


Kevin Burnett suggested that local groups such as Off The Record and the Youth Forum could be approached to take part in their public engagement work.


The Chairman commented that he felt that involvement would be likely to increase if they were able to arrange additional face to face meetings rather than online.


Laura Ambler replied that they could try to create a blend of meeting types – in person, hybrid and online.


The Chairman thanked her for the update on behalf of the Panel.