Agenda item


This report presents the revenue and capital budgets together with proposals for increases in Council Tax and the Adult Social Care Precept for 2023/24.


The Council considered a report which presented the revenue and capital budgets together with proposals for increases in Council Tax and the Adult Social Care Precept for 2023/24.


On a motion from Councillor Richard Samuel, seconded by Councillor Kevin Guy, it was




1.  To approve


a)  The General Fund net revenue budget for 2023/24 of £131.03m and the individual service cash limits for 2023/24 as outlined in Annex 1;


b)  The savings and income plans outlined in Annex 2(i), funding requirements 2(ii), in conjunction with the Equalities Impact Assessment Report in Annex 3.


c)  An increase in Council Tax of 2.99% in 2023/24 (an increase of £47.10 per Band D property or 91p per week).


d)  An increase of 2% to Council Tax for the Adult Social Care Precept in recognition of the current demands and financial pressures on this service. This is equivalent to an increase of £31.50 on a Band D property (61p per week).


e)  The movement in reserves outlined in section 5.6 and the adequacy of Un-earmarked Reserves at £12.58m within a risk assessed range requirement of £11.6m - £12.8m.


f)  To note the Children’s Services management plan set out in section 5.2.7 of the report.


g)  The Efficiency Strategy attached at Annex 4.


h)  The Capital Programme for 2023/24 of £87.89m including new and emerging capital bids outlined in Annex 5(i), planned sources of funding in 5.8.2, and notes the programme for 2024/25 to 2027/28 and that any wholly funded projects coming forward during the year will be added to the Capital Programme in line with the Budget Management Scheme.


i)  The delegation of implementation, subject to consultation where appropriate, of the capital programmes set out in Annex 5(i) to Annex 5(iv) to the relevant Director in consultation with the appropriate Portfolio Holder.


j)  The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) allocations and amendments outlined in Annex 5(v).


k)  The Capital & Investment Strategy attached at Annex 6.


l)  The MRP Policy attached at Annex 7.


m)  The Capital Prudential Indicators outlined in 5.8.6.


n)  The Annual Pay Policy Statement at Annex 8.


o)  The Community Contribution Fund pilot 12-month extension outlined section 5.5.


p)  The Council Tax Support Scheme for 2023/24 shown in the following link and referred to in 5.3.5:


q)  To approve the Fees and Charges schedule for 2023/24 at Annex 11 and support its publication following approval of the budget.


2.  That the Council approves the technical resolutions that are derived from the budget report, and all the figures in that report, including the precepts for towns, parishes and other precepting bodies as set out in Annex 12.


3.  That the Council note the S151 Officer’s report on the robustness of the proposed budget and the adequacy of the Council’s reserves outlined in 5.7.


4.  That Council note the budget consultation responses in Annex 10.




1.  An amendment was moved by Councillor Joanna Wright, and seconded by Councillor Robin Moss, to request a budget spend of £200,000 for a one-off school street in B&NES.  This was lost on a named vote;


Councillors in favour (10); - Councillors Colin Blackburn, Chris Dando, Liz Hardman, Shaun Hughes, Eleanor Jackson, Grant Johnson, Robin Moss, June Player, Karen Walker and Joanna Wright.


Councillors against (32)- Councillors Rob Appleyard, Alison Born, Shelley Bromley, Neil Butters, Sue Craig, Paul Crossley, Jess David, Tom Davies, Winston Duguid, Mark Elliott, Andy Furse, Kevin Guy, Joel Hirst, Lucy Hodge, Duncan Hounsell, Hal McFie, Ruth Malloy, Paul May, Sarah Moore, Michelle O’Doherty, Bharat Pankhania, Manda Rigby, Dine Romero, Mark Roper, Richard Samuel, Bruce Shearn, Alastair Singleton, Shaun Stephenson-McGall, Andy Wait, Sarah Warren, Ryan Wills and David Wood.


Councillors abstaining (9) – Councillors Sally Davis, Michael Evans, Alan Hale, Yukteshwar Kumar, Lisa O’Brien, Vic Pritchard, Brian Simmons, Karen Warrington and Chris Watt.


2.  The above successful resolution was carried on a named vote;


Councillors in favour (32); - Councillors Rob Appleyard, Alison Born, Shelley Bromley, Neil Butters, Sue Craig, Paul Crossley, Jess David, Tom Davies, Winston Duguid, Mark Elliott, Andy Furse, Kevin Guy, Joel Hirst, Lucy Hodge, Duncan Hounsell, Hal McFie, Ruth Malloy, Paul May, Sarah Moore, Michelle O’Doherty, Bharat Pankhania, Manda Rigby, Dine Romero, Mark Roper, Richard Samuel, Bruce Shearn, Alastair Singleton, Shaun Stephenson-McGall, Andy Wait, Sarah Warren, Ryan Wills and David Wood.


Councillors against (19); - Councillors Colin Blackburn, Chris Dando, Sally Davis, Michael Evans, Alan Hale, Liz Hardman, Shaun Hughes, Eleanor Jackson, Grant Johnson, Yukteshwar Kumar, Robin Moss, Lisa O’Brien, June Player, Vic Pritchard, Brian Simmons, Karen Walker, Karen Warrington, Chris Watt and Joanna Wright.]

Supporting documents: