Agenda item


The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB) on current issues.


Laura Ambler, Place Director for Bath and North East Somerset, BSW ICB gave a presentation to the Panel, a copy of which will be available as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary is set out below.




The purpose of ICSs is to bring partner organisations together to:

  improve outcomes in population health and healthcare

  tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access

  enhance productivity and value for money

  support broader social and economic development.


BSW Integrated Care System


  NHS England – Performance manages and supports the NHS bodies working with and through the ICS


  Care Quality Commission – Independently reviews and rates the ICS


  BSW Integrated Care Board (ICB) – Allocate NHS budget and commission services, produce a five-year system plan for health and care services.


  BSW Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) – Develop an Integrated Care Strategy that addresses the assessed health and care needs of the people in BSW.


How the BSW ICS is made up


Integrated Care System (ICS) – Organisations that come together to plan and deliver joined up health and care services, and to improve the lives of people who live and work in their area.


Integrated Care Alliances (ICA) – Place-based partnerships of NHS, councils, community and voluntary organisations, local people, carers. Lead the design and delivery of integrated services at place.


BSW Integrated Care Board (ICB) – Statutory NHS organisation. Develops a plan for meeting the health needs of the population, Manages NHS budget and Arranges for the provision of health services in BSW.


BSW Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) – Statutory committee, formed between the ICB and local authorities. A broad alliance of organisations concerned with the health and wellbeing of the population. Author of the Integrated Care Strategy. Advocate for innovation, new approaches and improvement.


Local Authorities – Responsible for social care and public health functions and other services for local people and businesses.


Integrated Care Strategy


‘Should set the direction of the system’ …., ‘Setting out how commissioners in the NHS and local authorities, working with providers and other partners, can deliver more joined-up, preventative, and person-centred care for their whole population, across the course of their life’.


BSW Care Model


We are focussing on a range of initiatives that will improve the health and wellbeing and experience of care including:


  Population health, Prevention and Wellbeing focussed programmes

  Integrated Neighbourhood Teams

  Care Coordination

  Mental Health and wellbeing

  Learning Disabilities and Autism


  Recovery of elective care services

  Urgent care services


From April 2023 the ICS will also take on delegated commissioning responsibility for dental services, general ophthalmic services and pharmaceutical services.


Five key parts to the model:


  Personalised care

  Healthier communities

  Joined-up local teams

  Local specialist services

  Specialist centres


Councillor Liz Hardman asked what differences we will see in this new service compared to what we had with Clinical Commissioning – will it mean an improvement in services for patients.


Laura Ambler replied that the main difference will be seen in the ways the Board works, its integrated working and the partnerships that are formed in addressing the problems that are identified. She added that the Board will also seek to empower local communities. She said that she would be happy to return to the Panel to update on its progress.


Councillor Hardman said she was interested to hear that the commissioning of dental services was to be delegated to the ICB.


Laura Ambler replied that the ICB would be taking on this role from next year and attempting to address local needs.


Councillor Rob Appleyard asked what benefits would be seen locally.


Laura Ambler replied that preventative measures were due to be enhanced and that we will make the best use of our combined available resources to deliver the highest quality care.


Councillor Appleyard asked how voices will be heard locally. He added whether this work should be scrutinised in a different way.


Laura Ambler replied that her role within the ICB feeds into the ICA and that the Local Authorities and NHS are amongst the members of the ICP. She added that she will take messages away today from the Panel and said that the ICB has its own scrutiny function in place.


The Director of Adult Social Care added that the three local Chief Executives each have a place on the Integrated Care Board and would likely use that role to influence the agenda where possible. She said that local priorities should be established and economies of scale used where able.


The Chairman asked that a representative of the ICB attend the Panel on a regular basis.


Laura Ambler replied that she would commit to attending Panel meetings as the focus on outcomes for the public is a priority for the ICB.


Councillor Ruth Malloy said that she welcomed the delegated commissioning of certain services to the ICS and wondered if this might lead to weekend opening of some local pharmacies. She asked what was meant in terms of a ‘2 hour community response’.


Laura Ambler replied that this was primarily a team to respond to falls and provided by the Care Co-ordination Centre.


The Chairman thanked Laura Ambler for her presentation and attending on behalf of the Panel.

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