Agenda item

Somer Valley Enterprise Zone

A report is attached. There will also be a presentation on this at the meeting.


Richard Holden, Operations Manager - Bath & Somer Valley Enterprise Zones (SVEZ), introduced the item. He gave a presentation which covered the following:


·  SVEZ – Redline boundary including highways network improvements

·  Reasons for intervention

·  Engagement Process

·  Illustrative Masterplan

·  Structural landscaping

·  Maximum Heights

·  Next Steps

·  Highways Interventions Along A362

·  SVEZ Roundabout

·  Sunnyside Road Widening

·  Thicket Mead Roundabout

·  Bat Survey/species and West Cycle Track update from WECA

·  Noise and Air Quality Assessments

·  4m Fence at Plot 12

·  2m Acoustic Fencing


Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:


Councillor Hirst asked about traffic infrastructure, in particular the A37 link and how the traffic impact will be managed. The officer explained that he is working with a traffic management modelling team and there is a raft of data on traffic and an extensive modelling exercise. 4 key areas of mitigation have been identified.


Councillor Hirst asked if there was an update regarding ‘noise TBC’ (page 44). The officer explained that there are no disbenefits in terms of noise but a couple of mitigations have been proposed, an example being an acoustic fence.


Councillor Warrington asked if the modelling included the A37. The officer stated that this has been included, there are no physical changes proposed.


Councillor Hughes stated that he was on the key stakeholders group. He stated that the team have reached a good point and he is happy overall with where things are. The main concerns have been the employee numbers on site and avoiding retail on the site. He also explained that residents have had concerns around the delivery plan, especially in light of the business centre in the area which is closing and the gap until the new facility opens. He asked how confident officers are that this development will happen. The officer stated that he is alert to residents’ concerns regarding the closure of the business centre and is hopeful that the location can be re purposed. In terms of the delivery of the SVEZ, he explained that plot P6 and P8 have the potential for flexible working space and support for small businesses. There is a delivery strategy but there will still be a couple of years before enabling activities.


Councillor Hughes asked about the timeline. The officer stated that the highways works have to come first.


Councillor Hodge asked the following questions (Officer responses shown in italics)

·  Are there any other examples of a similar development? This is the first LDO for the authority and they are limited in the country.

·  How are the conditions enforced – who decides on this? There are a set of conditions in advance of the LDO, as it is adopted, the conditions are locked in.

·  What happens if there is non-compliance? The design codes set the parameters for the entirety of the site. Parameters are set such as the nature of the finish, colours, and materials. A compliance application would be submitted and compliance would have to be proved. It is strict – the Enterprise Zone is an exemplar regarding Climate and Ecological Emergency and the development sets a high bar to be future proof.


Councillor Duguid asked about the triple bottom line – social, environmental and economic. The officer explained that the SVEZ is looking at zero net carbon and will set a precedent for future developments.


Councillor Hughes asked about viability reports in terms of a developer taking a plot but not able to meet all of the conditions. He asked if it would be the same as the planning process. The officer explained that viability remains a challenge. He explained that the private sector has not brought forward an Enterprise Zone.


Councillor Warrington asked about public transport and broadband in terms of the project. The officer explained that the scheme does introduce some bus stops (working with WECA and CRSTS). He confirmed that there would be provision for superfast broadband.


The Panel RESOLVED to ask Cabinet to consider the following:


1.  Clarity on the highways impact of the road between the A37 to the double mini roundabout in Radstock.

2.  Clarity in the design codes/guides and to make sure that the conditions are enforced.

3.  Future proofing is considered (Economic, Social and Environmental)

Supporting documents: