Agenda item


This report is to remind members of the roles and responsibilities of members, advisors and officers of the Avon Pension Fund and the governance framework for the Fund as a whole.


The Governance and Risk Adviser introduced the report and drew attention to the following issues arising from the annual review of governance arrangements:


1.  Membership of the investment panel had been updated to reflect best practice and to ensure there was a full range of independent expert advice.

2.  Some of the Section 151 delegations had been changed to the Director of OneWest.  The Head of Pensions role would be the Senior LGPS officer, which was in line with the requirements of the scheme and in accordance with the recommendations of the Good Governance Review.

3.  A Representation Policy had been drafted which would become an appendix to the compliance statement.

4.  There was now a fund specific Conflicts of Interest policy.

5.  The Committee was asked to agree an independent member representative on the Brunel Working Group, a substitute for the Brunel Oversight Board and nominations for the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum.


It was agreed that the second paragraph of the Representation Policy would be amended to clarify the voting arrangements in relation to administering and non-administering authorities.



1.  The roles and responsibilities of the members, advisors and officers be noted.

2.  The Terms of Reference of the Committee and Investment Panel be approved.

3.  The Scheme of Delegation be approved.

4.  The Governance Compliance Statement, including draft Representation Policy be approved.

5.  The Conflicts of Interest Policy be approved.

6.  The Training Strategy Policy be approved.

7.  The decision-making matrix be noted.

8.  Pauline Gordon be agreed as the independent member representation of the Brunel Working Group be approved. 

9.  The Vice Chair of the Avon Pension Fund Committee (Cllr Shaun Stephenson-McGall) be agreed as the substitute of Brunel Oversight Board.

10.The members to represent the fund on the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum be agreed as Cllr Shaun Stephenson-McGall, Cllr Steve Pearce and Richard Orton.

11.The drafting of the Annual Report to Council be delegated to Officers and the Chair (subject to informal consultation with Committee members prior to the Chair approving the report).


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