Agenda item

BSW CCG Update

The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BSW CCG) on current issues.


Dr Bryn Bird, B&NES Locality Clinical Chair addressed the Panel. A copy of the update can be found as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the update is set out below.


Pressure on health and care services continues in BaNES


Pressures related to Covid-19, staff absence and high demand for hospital beds have continued across BaNES over the past few weeks. A number of measures remain in place to help address these issues.


The main messages being for people to use our health services appropriately, support hospitals by collecting loved ones as soon as they are ready to go home, using our pharmacies for help and support wherever possible and using the online 111 service in the first instance.


He said that currently the RUH was operating under OPEL 4 (Operations Pressure Escalation Levels) and that cross-working meetings have been held to discuss how to relieve pressure.


BSW ICS and ICA update


The Health and Care Bill which set out plans for the formation of Integrated Care Systems received Royal Assent at the end of April. The Bill will now pass into law as the Health and Care Act 2022 and paves the way for the BSW Integrated Care Board (ICB) to become a statutory body on July 1st and the formation of the BaNES locality Integrated Care Alliance (ICA).


The Health and Care Act introduces measures to tackle the COVID-19 backlogs and rebuild health and social care services following the pandemic. It will also contain measures to address health inequalities and create safer, more joined-up services that will put the health and care system on a more sustainable footing.


The latest version of the BSW Partnership System Development Plan for 2022/2023 has been submitted to NHS England. The plan has been developed by lead and programme support teams from our key workstreams and focuses on the continued development of our BSW Integrated Care System and the transition activities that will be required during 2022/23 to align with the legislative changes planned.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if any update could be given on the crisis affecting the ambulance service locally.


Dr Bird replied that support for the hospital discharge is intended over the coming year.


Kevin Burnett referred to the Healthy Start Scheme and asked if anything further could be done to support those in receipt of the paper vouchers to transfer to the prepaid card now being offered.


The Public Health Development & Commissioning Manager replied that an automatic registration process would be welcome, but this was not currently possible. She added that a lot of support and awareness is being carried out locally to make people aware of the changes.


Kevin Burnett asked how are messages about accessing GP services being managed given that more people will now likely want to return to face to face appointments.


Dr Bird replied that communications work has been carried out on this matter and that from his point of view he has always been willing to see people when required. He added that 111 still has a role to play, but that we need to make sure that those who need to meet can do so.


Councillor Andrew Wait asked about the number of Covid patients currently within the RUH.


Dr Bird replied that there was currently less pressure in terms of patients being admitted to the RUH with severe complications due to Covid.


Councillor Joanna Wright suggested that all Councillors be sent information relating to the NHS Healthy Start Scheme so that they are in a position to advise and assist residents if necessary. She referred to the BSW ICS and ICA update and asked for examples of who formed the Partnership and how are the decisions they make ranked.


Dr Bird replied that members of the Partnership will include representatives from Local Authorities, Public Health, the 3rd Sector, RUH and AWP amongst other bodies that have a role in health care provision. He added that decisions are taken on what provision would best support the wider community and that consideration is given as to what would be fairest across B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire.


The Chair thanked Dr Bird for his report and attending on behalf of the Panel.