Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



Councillor Dine Romero, Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Communities and Culture addressed the Panel. A copy of the update can be found as an online appendix to these minutes.


Councillor Liz Hardman commented that the OFSTED report on Children’s Services is extremely pleasing and said that it highlights the excellent leadership we have in B&NES and how our services are good - well done to all.  However, she said that from reading the report at agenda item 11, it is clear that substantial financial investment and increased capacity in the team is needed and asked what plans have been put in place to address this.


The Director of Children’s Services & Education replied that the report makes recommendations in terms of the Council’s Care Leavers Duty and said that new legislation is expected later in the year with regard to extending the age range from 21 – 25.


She added that the Service Improvement Board will oversee all of the recommendations and that the team will be reviewed to consider what additional capacity is required to accommodate our post 21 offer.


Councillor Hardman asked if she was concerned about the increase in the number of children being electively home educated (EHE) in B&NES and if we have the right services in place to support these families appropriately.


Councillor Romero replied that she was concerned about the increase, though it has stabilised. She added however that we do not have an increase in the number of children EHE who are known to social care. She said that the EHE team provide support in line with the Council’s responsibilities and have positive relationships with the EHE community. She stated that additional resourcing has been put into the team to manage increased numbers, however, we will need to look at this area again if the Education White Paper’s proposals around EHE are implemented.


Councillor Hardman said she was very pleased to see that the three-year plan for social prescribing and an active travel program includes the Somer Valley and will include pop up hubs in places like her ward of Paulton. She asked when are these likely to happen.


The Director of Public Health and Prevention replied that we are expecting to hear from the DfT by the end of May, but can’t guarantee that national timescales won’t slip.


Councillor Andrew Wait commented that the report states that 97.9% received one of their up to five preferences in relation to School Admissions. He asked how many received their first choice and do you have comparisons with that statistic for previous years.


Councillor Romero replied that the following figures were recorded for 2021/22 and 2022/23.






1st Preferences


1st Preferences







1st Preferences


1st Preferences



Kevin Burnett asked how the inspection of host families was being carried out with regard to the Ukraine refugees.


The Director of Children’s Services and Education replied that this work was being carried out by a combination of teams. The Family Placement Team were leading on DBS checks and the Housing Team were assessing regarding Regulated Properties.


Kevin Burnett asked if information was available in terms of a national register for Home Education.


The Director for Education, Inclusion & Children’s Safeguarding replied that details on this matter were expected to come in the White Paper.


Referring to School Admissions Kevin Burnett asked if there had been an increase in the number of people using all of their preferences when making their applications.


The Director for Education, Inclusion & Children’s Safeguarding replied that yes there had been.


Kevin Burnett asked as part of the White Paper has the Council considered forming its own Education Trust.


Councillor Romero replied that at this stage she did not think the Council had had time to form a view on this matter.


Kevin Burnett asked if the Panel could be involved in some way with the response to the SEND Green Paper consultation.


Councillor Romero replied that she would try to include the Panel where possible.


Chris Batten asked if schools were going to be able to cope with the increasing costs of providing school meals.


Councillor Romero replied that she did not have any information to hand to be able to provide a response.


Chris Batten asked if there was funding available for new school buildings / repairs.


Councillor Romero replied that she was aware of a timetable of planned repairs that were due to take place.


The Director for Education, Inclusion & Children’s Safeguarding added that pots of funding were becoming available in respect of maintained schools, SEND capital funding and the school building programme.


Councillor Ruth Malloy asked if there were sufficient school places available for Ukraine refugee children near to where they will be living and if they will have access to interpreters / resources given that English will not be their first language.


Councillor Romero replied that she believed that the current figure for Ukraine refugee children in the area was 30 and that there was capacity at this stage to cope with this number.


The Director for Education, Inclusion & Children’s Safeguarding added that there were no current capacity concerns and that positive discussions had been held with local schools in terms of the education support that was to be required. He added that if children were to be placed within the Chew Valley, schools there might struggle in terms of places.


He said that online resources were available with regard to interpretation services.


The Chairman asked what would happen if families were to be placed within the Chew Valley.


The Director for Education, Inclusion & Children’s Safeguarding replied that they would seek to find the nearest school with capacity and if needed provide transport.


Councillor Romero said that schools that are to receive refugee children will also put in place emotional and trauma support.


Councillor Paul May asked if she would support a report from the Schools Standards Board to a future meeting of the Panel.


Councillor Romero replied that she would.


The Chairman thanked her for her report on behalf of the Panel.