Agenda item


There will be an update and opportunity for Panel members to contribute to policy development on this item. There will be a presentation at the meeting, presentation slides are attached.


The Chair invited Councillor Sarah Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate and Sustainable Travel, Jane Wildblood, Strategic Manager - Climate & Environmental Sustainability and Robin Spalding, Renewable Energy Programme Manager to give a presentation to the Panel which covered the following:


·  Renewable Energy Update – Introduction from Councillor Sarah Warren

·  Targets and Policy Context

·  Current Funding Opportunities

·  The Corporate Work Programme and Project Pipeline

·  The Council’s Corporate Estate

·  Corporate Project Pipeline

·  Corporate Pipeline Next Steps

·  The District Wide Challenge

·  The Role of Community Energy

·  Tackling the Challenges - Next Steps

·  Useful Reference Material


It was explained that this was a policy development item and officers and the Cabinet Member welcomed the Panel’s input and ideas on how to encourage more renewables.


Panel Members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Dr Kumar asked how realistic the net zero aim was with so much challenge still outstanding. The officer acknowledged that there was a challenge but reported that there had been a real increase in the last two years. Also the outcome of discussions with commercial and public sector means that others will come online which will see a further increase. In response to a query regarding Bath University, the officer reported that her team works closely with the University, meeting with them regularly to look at opportunities for bids and projects and also to share expertise.


Councillor Crossley stated that the Council’s job was to show that the challenges are not undeliverable. He suggested some sites for solar and renewables such as private car parks and other landowners and also owners of large buildings such as churches. The officer explained that her team was focused on delivering in-house first (Council Estate buildings) and the next stage will be looking further afield – she agreed on the suggestion about roof spaces.


Councillor Bromley stated that local energy provision would give us more security. She also asked about community buy in – allowing people to buy shares. The officer stated that this was the model of Community Energy Projects. Councillor Singleton added that a minimum investment was £100.


Councillor O Brien noted the solar/renewable ideas with regard to rural areas but stated that she supported the idea of using roof space in Bath (warehouses, community centres etc) also there would be more people to invest.

Councillor Johnson noted that 4 solar projects had been delivered by the Council so far with 2 of the 4 Council schools included. He asked why it takes so long to deliver these projects. The Cabinet Member explained that it takes time to get the right officers in the right posts and to get the policy framework in place and also that technology is coming down in price. She explained that we can now start to move faster and that it is often about getting things in place at the right time, especially regarding schools. She added that the Pixash Lane development was a template.


Councillor O Brien asked about water (river) and wind power. The officer explained that, regarding water, surveys had been done and so far, most sites would not have enough ‘head’ (power) to justify it. Technology development may change this with time. Regarding wind, the Government is talking about relaxing rules on this. There has to be landscape assessments and community acceptance.


There was some discussion around using spa water to heat buildings. The officer explained that while the system works for the Abbey, it would not have worked for the Guildhall but this was considered at the time.


Councillor Hirst asked about financial models – partnerships with residents who want to invest. The officer explained that this had been explored in the past and that some Local Authorities used ‘green bonds’. This will be revisited.



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