Agenda item

Children and Young People's Participation Update

The attached report outlines the rationale behind the decision to no longer engage a B&NES young person to be a Member of Youth Parliament and the next steps that will be taken to ensure a wider engagement plan for children and young people.



The Director of Children's Services & Education introduced this report to the Panel. She said that it outlined the rationale and next steps that will be taken to ensure a wider engagement plan for children and young people.


She said that an event was due to take place on July 20th with young people to discuss local decision making.


She stated that the current contract with Off The Record (OTR) 2021-2024 will be delivered within the current financial envelope.


She added that the proposal has the support of the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People, Communities.


Councillor Liz Hardman said that she agreed with the recommendations from Off The Record to be more inclusive in the delivery of children and young people’s participation by focusing more on the Youth Forum. She added though that the Youth Member elections were always an excellent opportunity for young people to participate in an electoral process.


She asked if OTR could still support the UKMP elections in BANES by promoting them through other networks.


The Director of Children's Services & Education replied that OTR would still support anyone who wants to stand in this election.


Councillor Hardman commented that the newly formed Bath Student Parliament sounds a very exciting project and said she had noticed that we are supporting the development and expansion of it. She asked if there is anything in place yet to include schools in North East Somerset.


The Director of Children's Services & Education replied that the Strategic Commissioning Officer will follow up directly with OTR about participation of North East Somerset young people. She added that they would welcome any updates on local youth groups from across the Council and would support their interaction with the Youth Forum.


Councillor Hardman asked how local groups will be informed of events held by the Youth Forum as they are normally informed by Youth Connect South West.


The Director of Children's Services & Education replied that Youth Connect South West works alongside the Youth Forum and that OTR will seek to promote future network events as widely as possible.


Councillor Paul May commented that he has a long-term connection with OTR and asked if there will be a recommissioning process in the future and an assessment made of what has worked / not worked.


The Director of Children's Services & Education replied that the participation contract would be reprocured at some point in the future and it would be hoped that the best provider would be successful. She added that within the contract it would be specified for the need to work with and support the Youth Forum on the wider participation of children and young people in BANES.


Councillor Andy Wait explained that he was a lead mentor for Keynsham Now, a similar organisation to OTR, and had noticed a change in emphasis from OTR and the Youth Parliament. He said that recently contact with OTR had increased and had included their attendance at a meeting in Keynsham and that Keynsham Now had chosen OTR as their charity to raise money for at the Keynsham Music Festival at the weekend.


He stated that he was pleased also that Keynsham Now representatives have been invited to the event mentioned on July 20th.


He said that he welcomed the proposed changes and that it made sense to spread involvement across the Council. He added that it had been a long-term campaign of his to get more young people involved in politics and representing their local communities.


Councillor Ruth Malloy commented that the type of voting system used for the Youth Parliament elections may have an effect on the involvement of young people and that their voices are likely to be heard more through proportional representation.


The Chair suggested that a group of young people could address a future meeting of the Panel or the Council to illustrate their work and the support required.


The Director of Children's Services & Education said that she would pass that message on and felt sure that the invitation would be accepted.


Councillor Paul May queried whether the Panel should have a standing invitation on its agenda for a member of the Youth Forum or similar group to be able to attend.


Councillor Andy Wait said that Keynsham Now has a standing item on the agenda for each Keynsham Town Council meeting and he could enquire if a representative would like to address the Panel. He added though that the problem could be in the timing of the meeting and their attendance at school.


The Panel RESOLVED to note and approve the changed approach proposed by Off The Record to the restructure of the B&NES Youth Forum.


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