Agenda item

Site Visit List - Applications for Planning Permission Etc for Determination by the Committee

The following application will be considered in the morning session of the meeting (from 11am):


1.  22/00294/FUL - Durley Grange, Durley Lane, Keynsham, Bristol


The Committee considered:


  1. A report by the Head of Planning on the planning application.

  2. Oral statements by members of the public and representatives on the item.  (A copy of the speakers’ list is attached as Appendix 2 to these minutes).


RESOLVED that in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers, the application be determined as set out in the Site Visit decision list attached as Appendix 3 to these minutes.


Item No. 1

Application No. 22/00294/FUL

Site Location: Durley Grange, Durley Lane, Keynsham, Bristol


The Case Officer introduced the report and confirmed the officer’s recommendation that the application should be refused for the reasons set out in the report.


The following public representations were received:


  1. The applicant, Dr Peter Roberts spoke in support of the application.


In response to members’ questions, it was confirmed:


  1. The whole of the site was in the ownership of the applicant. 
  2. If the applicant was applying for an extension to his house instead of a separate building, the usual principle would be to approve extensions up to a third of the size of the existing property, however each application had to be considered on its merits.
  3. The officers did not have details in relation to the solar panels and heat pump.
  4. The green belt boundary was last reviewed at the time of the Local Plan adoption.
  5. Future travel plans associated with another planning application and the potential to reduce traffic on the bypass were not a material consideration in relation to this application.
  6. Access to the public right of way was a consideration, but the officer view was that the application would not have an impact on the public right of way.
  7. Approving the application would not set a precedent for other green belt sites near main roads as each application would be considered on its merits.


Cllr Shelley Bromley noted that the report stated the level of harm was considered acceptable when the bypass was constructed but questioned whether this was still the case.  She stated that from visiting the site, she considered the new construction would provide shielding from the bypass.


Cllr Duncan Hounsell expressed the view that in the case of this specific site, there were very special circumstances to allow development due to the fact that the openness of the green belt had already been damaged by the construction of both the Keynsham bypass and the nearby modern office building.  He commented that the application would improve the visual amenity of residents by screening the bypass and agreed with the comments raised by Keynsham Town Council in support of the application.


Cllr Hal MacFie agreed that any harm to the green belt was not significant in view of the nearby office building and expressed the view that the proposal would reduce noise from the bypass.  He also referred to the sustainable elements of the application including the proposed solar panels and a heat pump to charge electric cars.


Cllr Sally Davis stated that she did not consider that there was evidence of very special circumstances to allow development in the green belt. 


Cllr Eleanor Jackson concurred with this view and moved that the application be refused as recommended by officers for the reasons set out in the report.  This was seconded by Cllr Sally Davis and on being put to the vote was NOT CARRIED (3 in favour and 6 against). 


Following comments raised about the proposed building reducing air and noise pollution, members were advised not to give weight to this as it had not been evidenced.


Cllr Hal MacFie moved that the application be permitted for the following reasons that constituted very special circumstances to allow development in the green belt:

  1. The harm to the green belt was not significant in view of the fact that the openness of the green belt had already been compromised by the construction of the bypass and nearby office building. 
  2. The application improved the residents’ privacy and amenity by shielding their property from the A4 bypass and protecting against onlooking from occupants of vehicles.


This was seconded by Cllr Shelly Bromley.


On being put to the vote, the motion was CARRIED (6 in favour and 3 against).


RESOLVED that officers be delegated to permit the application subject to appropriate conditions including a condition for details of the sustainable elements of the application to be submitted to the local planning authority, for the following reasons that constitute very special circumstances to allow development in the green belt:

  1. The harm to the green belt was not significant in view of the fact that the openness of the green belt had already been compromised by the construction of the bypass and nearby office building. 
  2. The application improved the residents’ privacy and amenity by shielding their property from the A4 bypass and protecting against onlooking from occupants of vehicles.


Supporting documents: