Agenda item

Adoption West Contract Extension

The report attached is for the Panel to discuss prior to the Cabinet meeting on 17th March 2022. The report seeks approval to extend the existing arrangements for a further five years until 28 February 2027.The original Commissioning Agreement (as defined) provides an option to extend its term for a period of up to 5 years commencing 01 March 2022, subject to the agreement of the participating local authorities.



The Director of Children’s Services introduced the Cabinet report to the Panel and highlighted the following areas.


The contractual commissioning agreement for the provision of an Integrated Adoption Support Service comes to an end on 28 February 2022. All 6 Local Authorities agreed to a temporary 3-month extension of the contract in December 2021 to ensure stability of Adoption West pending Executive support to the contract extension. B&NES approved the contract extension via delegated authority on January 21st, 2022, extending the contract from February 28th2022 to May 28th 2022.


The report seeks approval to extend the existing arrangements for a further five years until 28 February 2027.The original Commissioning Agreement (as defined) provides an option to extend its term for a period of up to 5 years commencing 01 March 2022, subject to the agreement of the participating local authorities.


The report also seeks approval to amend the current financial agreement (as defined) for a period of 5 years and expiring on 28th February 2027.


The report also seeks approval to replace the current service specification

(schedule 2) to the Commissioning Agreement (as defined) with the Service

Specification set out in schedule 1 to the attached draft variation agreement.


She informed the Panel that she sits on the Board and that Councillor Michelle O’Doherty sits on the Scrutiny Panel and said that the service delivers well for our area.


She said that Adoption West’s Annual Report 2021/2022 and Ofsted Inspection Report, that was carried out in February, would be shared with the Panel in due course.


Councillor O’Doherty said that she supported the proposal to extend the existing arrangements. She added that she would welcome the Panel being able to have a more timely receipt of reports of this nature in the future so that they can advise the Cabinet accordingly of their views.


The Director of Children’s Services replied that they would look to programme such reports into the agenda planning process.


Councillor Joanna Wright asked if the Wiltshire Adopters Networking, Development & Support (WANDS) can be used to support families in B&NES.


The Director of Children’s Services replied that is part of the Adoption West Development Plan to extend the provision of WANDS into B&NES. She added that she would raise the matter at a Board meeting later in the week.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked to what extent is this new contract making a difference and is it achieving its objectives - how do we know.


The Director of Children’s Services replied that the new contract is an extension of the current contract with current and emerging new objectives on an annual basis. She added that Adoption West provide an annual report that gives assurance on delivery against the contract and on the quality of service.


She said that she felt that the work of Adoption West does make a difference to both children and parents. She added that they were now fulfilling a previous challenge to attract adoptive parents for sibling groups and were in the process of further developing their post adoptive support with regard to contact with the birth family.


Kevin Burnett referred to page 27 and asked do the changes in LA contribution rates deal with the forecasted deficit.


The Director of Children’s Services replied that they do and it is manageable.


Kevin Burnett commented that there didn’t appear to be any mention of the IROs and asked where do the IROs play a part in the child’s journey.


The Director of Children’s Services replied that once children are adopted they are supported by Adoption West, there is no role for the Local Authority IRO in this respect.


The Panel RESOLVED to recommend the following to the Cabinet.


The Cabinet is asked to;


i) Note that all other 5 Local Authority owners of Adoption West have approved the contract extension through their respective Executives.


ii) Approve the extension of the Commissioning Agreement with Adoption West for the delivery of services as per the original contractual specification, by 5 years until 28 February 2027; and delegate to the Director Of Children’s Services and Education in consultation with the Directors of Finance, and Legal and Democratic Services and in consultation with the Cabinet member for Children's Services and Education to agree in writing, in accordance with clause 3.2 of the Commissioning Agreement, a five year contract extension and execute any and all related documents required to implement that extension.

Supporting documents: