Agenda item


The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BSW CCG) on current issues.


Dr Bryn Bird, B&NES Locality Clinical Chair addressed the Panel. A copy of the update can be found as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the update is set out below.


Integrated Care Board


As we move towards the establishment of the Integrated Care System (ICS) on a statutory footing on 1 July 2022, we welcomed Sue Harriman in February as Chief Executive Designate of the BSW Integrated Care Board (BSW ICB) and appointed four Non-Executive Directors (NEDs).


The four new NEDs are Dr Claire Feehily, Non-Executive Director for Audit, Julian Kirby, Non-Executive Director for Public and Community Engagement, Suzannah Power, Non-Executive Director for Remuneration and People and Professor Rory Shaw, Non-Executive Director for Quality & Performance.


Recruitment for the Integrated Care Board Director positions for Medical, Planning & Performance, Strategy & Transformation and Chief Nurse roles is also underway, as is recruitment for the Director of Place roles. 


Clinical Care Professional Leadership


This piece of work has been developed across the BSW area to highlight and record what has been learnt from the past ten years and to make sure that by maximising the research that appropriate training and resources are in place for the future. He added that further meetings would take place to develop this across B&NES and that it was hoped that it would compliment the work of the ICA (Integrated Care Alliance).


The Chairman asked if the Care Hotel was to remain a permanent facility.


Dr Bird replied that it was not. He said that meetings take place on a daily basis regarding the discharge process.


The Chairman asked about the status of the role of Tracey Cox, BSW CCG Chief Executive Officer in the context of the new BSW Integrated Care Board.


Dr Bird replied that there has been a national extension of CCGs for three months whilst the transition period is ongoing to be able to plan services appropriately whilst the ICS is operating in shadow form. He added that Tracey Cox remains in her post in this transition period.


Councillor Paul May commented that with the Council having had a good working relationship with the CCG he felt concerned that it might become vulnerable in some way with the introduction of the ICB and the new posts allocated to it.


He asked if the Panel could at some point receive a report on the role of the ICB in conjunction with the Council with regard to Child Health Care.


Richard Smale, BSW CCG Director of Strategy & Transformation commented that the strong relationship the Local Authority has with the CCG needs to continue. He said that a positive meeting took place last week between Sue Harriman and the three Local Authority Chief Executives. He added that the subject of Children & Young People was very much at the top of their agenda.


Councillor May suggested that relevant Cabinet Members be included in those types of meetings if possible to give a community view. He added that he would also like to see an agreed set of outcomes for improvements in the livelihood of Children & Young People to be achieved.


Richard Smale replied that it had been acknowledged that there was work to be done to make sure the relationship between the ICB and elected members was established correctly.


The Director of Children’s Services said she and colleagues, including the Senior Commissioning Manager - Complex Care & Targeted Support, were in conversations with Richard Smale and that working with the ICB was very much on their agenda.


The Senior Commissioning Manager - Complex Care & Targeted Support added that there was a strong history of integrated working with officers and health care professionals across the three authorities. She said they were working on what was required as part of the system as a whole and what should be kept as part of a place based organisation.