Agenda item

B&NES Community Safety and Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report

The report sets out the work of the B&NES Community Safety & Safeguarding Partnership for 2020-2021 along with the new priorities to be actioned in the Strategic Plan 2021-2024.


Sian Walker, Independent Chair of the Bath & North East Somerset Community Safety & Safeguarding Partnership (BCSSP) introduced the report to the Panel.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked in respect of the data on domestic abuse, are we doing enough to safeguard the victims of domestic abuse, and how do we know.


Sian Walker replied that she was assured that we do. She added that Sub-Group Chairs are asked to hone down the activities that take place within this work area.


Councillor Hardman asked what were the outcomes of the strategy meetings held as a result of the eight individuals displaying behaviour which resulted in there being a need for a managing allegation strategy meeting to be convened.


Sian Walker replied that although she was not able to comment on the individual cases the LADO function within B&NES is carried out effectively and is assured that the relevant work is undertaken and that the children concerned are safe.


Kevin Burnett asked what key performance indicators would appear on the dashboard and how would these be monitored and evaluated.


Sian Walker replied that the dashboard does not relate directly to the KPI’s and that the data will be used to monitor trends and influence the direction of the work of the BCSSP. She added that audit is also very important and that this is carried out throughout the year.


Councillor Michelle O’Doherty asked what work has been done to increase awareness of the role of LADO within Avon & Somerset Police.


The Deputy Safeguarding Lead for CYP & QA replied that training options have been discussed with the Police as to how the role of the LADO can be promoted.


Sian Walker added that this was a national issue that needed to be progressed.


Kevin Burnett asked what school representation there was within the Partnership.


Sian Walker replied they did have primary education reps on the Operational Group up until earlier this year, when the school became a MAT. She said that Bath College, Bath Spa University and Bath University are still represented. She added that the BCSSP are currently working with the Director of Education and Safeguarding to look at the options of further engagement with the education sector.


The Director of Education & Safeguarding added that a report regarding representation on the Partnership is to be discussed at a meeting of the School’s Standards Board on 9th December.


Kevin Burnett asked if any reasons could be given for the rise in enquiries related to physical abuse & neglect or acts of omission.


Sian Walker replied that they had seen more self-neglect referrals to safeguarding rather than being managed through the MARMM (Multi-agency Risk Management Meeting) process. She added that this was due to be reviewed and had also been identified as a national issue.


Kevin Burnett asked if the E-learning safeguarding modules were accessible for schools and if so were all schools involved.


Sian Walker replied that the modules were accessible for all but that she was unable to confirm whether they were accessed by schools.


Kevin Burnett asked if there were any key points to be noted on the data contained within the report.


Sian Walker replied that transitional safeguarding was a key area to focus upon and that scrutiny of Community Safety should be improved where possible.


The Panel RESOLVED to note the Annual Report and Executive Summary for the BCSSP.


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