Agenda item

Virgin Care Contract Extension - Options Appraisal


The Director of Adult Social Care introduced this report to the Panel. She explained that a decision regarding the contract extension was due to be taken by the Council’s Cabinet at their meetings across 10th & 11th November 2021.


She stated that we are in year 5 (2021/22) of the contract and that the annual value of it is £54m, with the contributions as follows:


·  CCG £28,147m

·  Council £21, 930m

·  Better Care Fund £4, 471m


She informed the Panel that the Council funding is fixed with cost increases managed through Virgin Care’s savings plans and that the CCG and Better Care funding is subject to NHS annual uplifts applicable to provider contracts.


She explained the three options included within the appraisal:


·  Option 1: Extend the contract term for the 3 year period (until 2026/27)


·  Option 2: Do not extend the contract for the 3 year extension period and

recommission both community health care, social care and public health services


·  Option 3: Extend the contract term for the 3 year period (until 2026/27) but with identified services removed from block contract (i.e. CHC return to CCG and ASC safeguarding return to Council) and/or improvement trajectory for identified services.


She stated that the officer recommendation will ask the Cabinet to;


·  Approve Option 3 - Extend the contract term for the 3 year period (until 31st March 2027) but with identified services removed from block contract and/or improvement trajectories for identified services and delegate to Suzanne Westhead, Director Adult Social Care (DASS) in consultation with Cllr Born, Member for Adult Services authority to serve notice to extend the contract once assured that the total price for the contract as varied is agreed and affordable.


·  Note that an extra-ordinary B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire Clinical

Commissioning Group (BSWCCG) Governing Body meeting has been convened for a decision to be taken on 11th November 2021, to ensure a joint decision is taken in public on the same day, for the recommendation of Option 3 – Extend the contract term for the 3 year period (until 31st March 2027) but with identified services removed from block contract and/or improvement trajectories for identified services.


Kevin Burnett asked why the two services, Strategic Adult Safeguarding and Continuing Health Care were proposed to be removed from the contract.


The Director of Adult Social Care replied that the Council and Virgin Care had agreed that it would be better to have one overall team rather than the current two, one for each organisation. She added that this proposal would incur no further costs and that cases would continue with their current Social Workers.


Corinne Edwards, Chief Operating Officer, BSW CCG added that the proposal to bring Continuing Health Care back into the CCG was to align with Swindon and Wiltshire whereby the CHC service is delivered by the CCG.  This will enable the CCG to have consistent operational and strategic oversight and build a resilient team to serve the whole population of BSW. She said that if approved the transfer of staff would commence in April 2022.


Councillor Rob Appleyard commented that he agreed with the proposed option to extend the contract as it would give an opportunity over the next five years to focus on what will be required in the future. He added that he felt that the decision would be of benefit to the local residents and that a lot of good things had been achieved through the collaboration with Virgin Care.


Councillor Liz Hardman commented that she felt that the process seemed a little rushed and asked if there were plans to remove further services from the contract.


The Director of Adult Social Care assured the Panel that the Cabinet Member and lead officers have been involved in this process for many months. She added that there were no plans to remove further services within the term of this contract.


Councillor Michelle O’Doherty asked if plans for the eventual end of the contract were being considered at this stage.


The Director of Adult Social Care replied that it was envisaged that there would be at least a two year process put in place prior to an award of any new contract in 2027. She added that a timetable for this process was currently being planned alongside future key commissioning intentions.


Councillor Paul May said that he supported the option being proposed to the Cabinet.


Kevin Burnett referred to section 7.8.10 of the Options Appraisal and asked why there had been an increase in Clinical Agency Staff from April 2021.


The Director of Adult Social Care replied that this was most likely to be related to Covid-19 and the management of the vaccination process.


The Chairman commented that he had been involved in many of these processes over the years and he believes the offer and service from Virgin Care has been increasingly well received and during COVID had been exemplary.


The Panel RESOLVED unanimously to agree that the Cabinet should approve Option 3: Extend the contract term for the 3 year period (until 2026/27) but with identified services removed from block contract (i.e. CHC return to CCG and ASC safeguarding return to Council) and/or improvement trajectory for identified services.

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