Agenda item
The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BSW CCG) on current issues.
Dr Bryn Bird, B&NES Locality Clinical Chair addressed the Panel. A copy of the
update can be found as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the
update is set out below.
Pressure on GP services
Leading GPs from across our region issued an open letter to local people recently explaining the pressures currently affecting primary care services and offering advice about what people can do to help. The letter explained how staff absences, rising coronavirus cases and an increase in demand for urgent and emergency care had generated pressure not usually seen outside of winter.
The GPs have also shared how practices are now working differently, with more consultations happening remotely, either by phone or video call.
Future of Primary Care
He said that having consulted colleagues regarding the national rescue package and the future arrangements for Primary Care there had been a number of negative responses and therefore they were not willing to support a response at the present time. He said that the CCG would continue to work hard to achieve the best quality of patient care.
BSW ICS Partnership Integrated Care System update
In recent weeks the BSW Partnership team has been working with representatives from the Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise Sector (VCSE) across BSW to discuss their involvement in developing ICS working arrangements. While there is already good engagement with VCSE organisations in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire, ICSs are being encouraged to ensure that their governance and decision-making processes support close working with the sector as key strategic partners at all levels.
Working with 3SG in B&NES, Voluntary Action Swindon and Wessex Community Action the Partnership has co-produced an Expression of Interest to set out how these working arrangements will develop. This will provide some much-needed infrastructure and capacity to help the VSCE sector across BSW further engage in the work of the ICS.
Our Integrated Care Alliance in B&NES also continues to evolve as part of the ICS transition. An awayday meeting in October brought together leaders from the local health and care system, local authority and third sector organisations to consider the future place-based arrangements including joint ways of working and governance arrangements.
Councillor Paul May asked what the impact will be on staff if the CCG dissolves as a result of the ICS.
Dr Bird replied that there is an uncertainty within staff even though some functions will be transferred.
Corinne Edwards, Chief Operating Officer, BSW CCG added that staff were likely to transfer into the ICS in April and that mandatory roles would be announced within the next few weeks.
Councillor Liz Hardman commented that demand for vaccination of 12-15 year olds has outstripped the capacity to deliver vaccinations and asked in view of the importance of getting secondary school-aged children vaccinated in order to reduce transmission, and the desire of these young people to be vaccinated, what plans are there for vaccination teams to return to schools to complete vaccinations.
Dr Bird replied that he was aware that Virgin Care had to delay their programme but believed that they are committed to completing it.
Gill Stobart asked how have the triage support arrangements in terms of remote appointments developed.
Dr Bird replied that it has been a learning process over the past 20 months that was still under ongoing development. He said that practices were trying to find a balance between remote and face to face appointments.
Kevin Burnett asked if there would be a statutory Social Care role on the ICB.
Dr Bird replied that a Local Authority representative would be on the Board.
The Chairman thanked Dr Bird for his update on behalf of the Panel.