Agenda item
- Meeting of Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel, Monday, 17th January, 2022 4.00 pm (Item 39.)
- View the background to item 39.
Sophie Broadfield, Director of Sustainable Communities, introduced the report and referred to slides which covered the following:
· 2021 Budget Performance – Quarter 2 Forecast on Budget
· The Budget Context
· Core Spending Power – The annual funding from Council Tax and Government Grant Income
· The 2022/23 Budget Headlines
· 2022/23 Budget Proposals
· The five year forward view
· Appendix 1: Draft Savings and Income Proposals
· Appendix 2: Draft Funding Requirement Proposals
· Appendix 3: Draft Emerging Capital Proposals for Climate Emergency and Sustainability PDS Panel Portfolios
Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:
Councillor Grant Johnson commented that this was an unrealistic budget with further costs being put on to residents. He stated that he would like more transparency in the budget papers. Councillor Johnson asked the following questions (Officer or Cabinet Member response shown in italics):
· How can the Council raise the cost of the Garden Waste Service as this service is not always delivered? Councillor Dave Wood, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, explained that there is extra investment going into curb side recycling to help build resilience after years of underinvestment in this area. There have been some recent staffing issues due to Covid – this was only for a couple of weeks whereas other areas have had to stand down this service for longer so I am proud of our service. He added that more residents had signed up for the service.
· Introducing Car Parking Charges in Midsomer Norton and Radstock will have a catastrophic effect on the high street, do you know how much damage that will do? Councillor Richard Samuel, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Resources, responded that the savings proposed are realistic, they have been through a very rigorous process. Regarding car parking charges, this is one of the areas of income for the Council. Parking is currently free in the Somer Vally and Midsomer Norton and we have had feedback that this leads to people block parking all day. High Streets want a high turn over in car parks. He added that you cannot just remove something from budget proposals, it must balance. He rejected Councillor Grant’s reference to Bath parking being a ‘mess’. He explained that free parking has been removed on single yellow lines on Sundays in Bath. He explained that the yellow notices on cars shown in pictures in the local press were not fines but warnings. This charge encourages use of Park and Rides and Car Parks.
Councillor Lisa O Brien asked the following questions (Officer or Cabinet Member response shown in italics):
· I am concerned to see a potential saving regarding street lighting – the Council unanimously agreed to a motion on women’s safety and one of the issues was bad lighting. Councillor Dave Wood, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, explained that there would be no reduction in the service and that there was a rolling programme.
· I would also like reassurance in terms of the Climate Emergency staffing budget savings. Sophie Broadfield, Director of Sustainable Communities, explained that officers record their time and recharge work through WECA.
Councillor Ryan Wills asked the following questions (Officer or Cabinet Member response shown in italics):
· What post is being referred to regarding the Business and Skills staffing budget and what is the potential impact of the saving? Councillor Richard Samuel, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Resources, explained that this refers to a reasonably junior post that has sat empty for a while.
· Regarding cuts to the dog warden service – what alternatives are being considered to tackle dog mess? Councillor Dave Wood, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services explained that this has been removed and a review of this service will progress, this will be in the 2023/24 budget. We are investing in dog fouling enforcement and will communicate with ward Councillors.
Councillor Shelley Bromley asked the following questions (Officer or Cabinet Member response shown in italics):
· What is the landfill tax and is it included in Council Tax? Councillor Dave Wood, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, explained that the Government levy various taxes, we are expecting an increase due to the number of new homes across the authority.
· Green Waste – why is there an assumed increase in this? Councillor Dave Wood, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, explained that there has been a large increase in people subscribing to the service which means increased income but also the need for increased investment.
Councillor MacFie stated that a package is needed to show and explain to people that we are making significant investment in Climate Emergency. Sophie Broadfield, Director of Sustainable Communities, stated that this package of measures will be listed and explained by Councillor Sarah Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Sustainable Travel, at the next meeting of this Panel on 24th January 2022. Councillor Dave Wood, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhood Services, stated that this was a good presentational point. He added that Climate Action runs through all service areas.
Councillor Ruth Malloy asked the following questions (Officer or Cabinet Member response shown in italics):
· What does a reduction in the ‘springs maintenance budget’ mean? Chris Major, Director of Place Management, explained that this is the maintenance/safety budget for natural springs. We believe we can have a slight reduction and still deliver the service.
· Regarding the Draft Budget Assumption on inflation – what steps are we taking to avoid extra cost? Councillor Richard Samuel, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Resources, explained that the Bank of England is projecting a possible 6% rise but the Government data is backward looking so 2/3%. We think 2% is a reasonable working assumption, if we face higher levels we will deal with that during the year.
Councillor Joel Hirst asked the following questions (Officer or Cabinet Member response shown in italics):
· Is there any risk or loss of income associated with a reduction in parking enforcement officers? Chris Major, Director of Place Management, explained that it is a difficult balance, we are looking at how we deliver retention and recruitment, these are difficult roles to fill. This is about a redesign of the offer.
· How quickly is the investment in cycling and walking infrastructure likely to come on stream? Chris Major explained that there are a number of programmes of work going through consultation. The delivery programme is for 2022/23.
RESOLVED that the Panel’s comments and discussion be circulated to the Corporate PDS Panel for it’s meeting on 31st January 2022.
Supporting documents:
- Budget Assumptions Report, item 39. PDF 256 KB
- Budget - APPENDIX 1 - 2022-23 Draft Savings and Income Proposals, item 39. PDF 196 KB
- Budget - APPENDIX 2 - 2022-23 Draft Funding Requirements, item 39. PDF 167 KB
- Budget - APPENDIX 3 - 2022-23 Draft emerging Capital, item 39. PDF 144 KB