Agenda item

Pension Fund Administration - Performance Indicators and Risk Register

The purpose of this report is to present the Fund’s performance for the three months to 30th June 2021 against its key performance indicators (KPI’s) in relation to the administration of pension benefits. The report also addresses the Fund’s business operational position from an overall risk perspective.



The Pensions Manager introduced this report and highlighted the following areas from within it.


The Member Services team has seen an increase in new monthly tasks over the previous 18 months from circa 1,800 to 2,200 tasks per month with the current outstanding cases totalling 4,841 (an increase of 58% since March 2020). He said that the main volume of work is with member refunds, active member retirements and retirements from deferred status. He added that Member estimate requests have increased by 35% over the same period and general enquiries also remain high in volume and a number of these identified as duplicate chasers.


As previously agreed by the Pensions Committee a managed phased recruitment process across pensions admin has been in operation since July 2020. During this time twenty-two officers have either been recruited new to post or have moved internally within APF. This process has been manged remotely by senior officers with training and support provided by the new officer training program.


A number of vacant posts remain across the service. (i) As part of the ongoing phased recruitment there are 4.2 fte posts to backfill. (ii) Recruitment of the Technical & Compliance Advisor remains outstanding following the recent advertising campaign. (iii) Recruitment of Transformation Manager and Project Manager – currently being reviewed by Mercer consultant.


Referring to Appendix 1 (Fund Performance against SLA – KPI’s) he said that officers were aware that steps need to be made to address performance and workload.


He said that a project had been developed with service managers and staff to put in place two teams from October with specific focus on (i) Backlog clearance and (ii) Business as usual. He added that these teams would look to be in place for six months, with a review of progress to take place after three months.


He said that members of the Pension Board had raised concerns around the delivery of IT equipment to staff and when they would be able to return to the office.


Richard Orton asked if working from home was hampering efficiency why have staff not returned to the office sooner.


The Pensions Manager replied that there was currently limited access to the offices within Keynsham Civic Centre and that officers have to abide by the current rules that have been put in place by B&NES.


Councillor Shaun-Stephenson McGall asked if the figures stated in relation to Member Self Service (MSS) were good in comparison to other Funds and how were we looking to increase its use.


The Pensions Manager replied that he believed these figures to be around par, possibly slightly above other Funds. He said that and additional resource had now been recruited to assist the Communications & Marketing Manager to maximise member sign up to MSS. He added that they will triage incoming member enquiries/requests to identify and signpost members to use MSS which will assist the reduction to the workload on the Member Services team.


He said that a good target over the next 18 months would be to increase usage from 35% to 60%.


William Liew suggested that the Fund uses employers where possible in helping to spread the messages regarding online use and to consider holding seminars online for members on this matter.


Councillor John Cato asked if any usability evaluations of MSS had been carried out.


The Pensions Manager replied that there hadn’t and said that they could consider approaching members via a survey to see if the system requires any development.


The Service Director for Financial Control and Pensions commented that digital developments do need to be progressed and that it was acknowledged that we need to encourage the use of MSS and expand its possibilities.


He added that Keynsham Civic Centre was undergoing refurbishment following the pandemic and that the Pensions Teams were looking to have as much space as possible within the building when that work has been completed.


Councillor Paul May asked if the Chairman could make representation on behalf of the staff regarding their return to the Keynsham Civic Centre.


The Chairman replied that he would along with discussing whether their access to the new Council laptops could be accelerated within the rollout programme.


The members of the Committee were minded to advise that the following resolutions should be made on Monday 4th October.


The Committee notes:


(i) The Fund performance for the three months to 30th June 2021.

(ii) The current Risk Register.

Supporting documents: